Ludwig Van Morrison

Billy Corgan is in contention too. But RJS's Trek knowledge is damn impressive!

Billy Corgan is in contention too. But RJS's Trek knowledge is damn impressive!

I heard somewhere that Shakespeare's origin intention was to make Hamlet in his early twenties since he was returning from a university, but his lead actor was thirty so he just changed the age.

I heard somewhere that Shakespeare's origin intention was to make Hamlet in his early twenties since he was returning from a university, but his lead actor was thirty so he just changed the age.

You mean the thyroid gland? Quick, get some iodine!

You mean the thyroid gland? Quick, get some iodine!

I just realized you could probably have "Carry on my Wayward Son" playing during any part of the LOTR trilogy and it would make perfect sense.

I just realized you could probably have "Carry on my Wayward Son" playing during any part of the LOTR trilogy and it would make perfect sense.

(SPOILERS?) But Bard killing Smaug isn't the climax. The seige of Erebor and The Battle of the Five Armies is.

(SPOILERS?) But Bard killing Smaug isn't the climax. The seige of Erebor and The Battle of the Five Armies is.

I noticed none of these things, but I'm glad somebody did.

I noticed none of these things, but I'm glad somebody did.

If I'm not the sheriff, then who the hell am I?

If I'm not the sheriff, then who the hell am I?

It kinda makes sense. The shittier a person's circumstances are, the more they crave escapist entertainment. How many gangbangers in Baltimore do you think watch "The Wire?"

It kinda makes sense. The shittier a person's circumstances are, the more they crave escapist entertainment. How many gangbangers in Baltimore do you think watch "The Wire?"

Takes place entirely on a 747: "AirBourne"

Takes place entirely on a 747: "AirBourne"

Why is it that people only quote the first and last lines of the Great Gatsby, and never anything in between?

Why is it that people only quote the first and last lines of the Great Gatsby, and never anything in between?