olive snook

Rick still put on his wedding ring that morning, didn't he? If he was already hooking up with Michonne that would be a weird thing to continue to do.

They didn't hear gunfire, they heard the firecrackers, which he set off to distract them so he could leave with the truck.

It would have only taken one line to make that decision make sense: "Looks like the truck is on E, let's siphon our car's gas into it, and we'll come back for it with more gas on the next run."

The flashbacks have to be related to Damien's "magic," no? Though if that is the case and Oliver already knows something about said magic, he should really brief the team.

Couldn't agree more. Rosalee's past also has some more room for exploration.

I watched! I liked it quite a bit, thought it was never going to be prestige TV. Paul Gross's Daryl was definitely the highlight.

I'm remembering that he addressed that in an interview before the final episodes (though can't place where). His response to such a suggestion was just what you think it would be.

Jason takes it for "LITERALLY insane!"

My husband thought so too, so you guys may be on to something

Fair point. And the regret will work just as well.

I'm not sure I understood the rationale behind "they all performed the ritual/spell, but it was Quentin's idea, so he's the one who should be kicked out," and why did Penny say "you're welcome" to him when he left the professor's office? If he turned him in, why not just say that. If they're going to make changes to

I did too - thought that might be their solution to not having to film at Brakebills-esque locations.

Went from seeing her on the X-Files (interacting with Bedelia no less!) to this directly after last night. Good for her.

I thought the book rushed Brakebills as well. I wanted more adventures there before they got to the real world.

As someone else mentions below, Jean Baptiste was supposed to have a much different arc, but the actor quit. I'm not sure whatever that original story line was could have saved season 5 from being the worst of the lot (in fact, I know it couldn't), but I will say that Kendall Crowe was a bright spot. I hope we see

I haven't seen it yet, but I think I read something from Brad Bird that this is where the premise of Tomorrowland came from - to combat the amount of "the future is awful" literature, movies, TV shows, etc. From all accounts, though, Tomorrowland was a missed opportunity to show that optimistic future.

Oh man, great point. It shouldn't impact his ability to see his dad either.

I agree with you on the guest stars - I haven't really had a problem with any of them, but I also don't see anything that different about this week's.

They met on set

I agree that not much felt new, but I liked Rey's Theme.