olive snook

He was also very good in My Week With Marilyn.

Really would have liked to see Inside Out sneak into Best Picture, agreed.

Speaking of Captain America - if Sebastian Stan was a little younger, I think he might get close to pulling off young Han Solo

Right???? He already played Young Harrison Ford once and the similarity is actually freaky

He forgot about the charm part, though

Preach on!

Too close to call :/

I went to a school without a Greek system, but enough of my high school friends at other colleges joined (and my sister joined one at Purdue, so yay Indiana!) that I know the highlights. The one thing that stuck out to me and maybe I just don't know about it: is there really a winter rush class? I thought it was

Mike should have focused on his website - I don't think you necessarily need the other stuff, but your customers need a place to find you and the product other than regular mail inquiries

One that accepted anyone who wanted to join? That would have worked.

I loved that they updated that.

Oh dear, please no. Though Lil Rivals IS inspired. I hope Mike can have at least a bit of success with it. Enough to fix the dishwasher and the sink and whatever else is still waiting to be repaired!

Beautiful use of 3D, good call.

Dear God I'd forgotten. This show.

I don't think I've ever hated a main character protagonist more than Marissa Cooper, though Serena had her moments of awfulness.

I'm with you on all of these except Chuck/Jenny. Didn't Chuck attempt to rape Little J early on? Or am I remembering that wrong?

I have to say I really liked The Age of Adaline, though that probably had more to do with Harrison Ford's performance and an interesting (though unoriginal) scifi/fantasy story that also felt realistic

They played father-son on The League and it felt very realistic

I would definitely disagree with that assessment and your comment is the first I've heard of that opinion. I'm personally very excited for the Luke Cage series.

I love the theme song, I have it on my work Spotify playlist.