olive snook

Ditto. Holds up.

Ah ha, gotcha. thanks very much for the explanation.

I think the ear pieces they always wear during a fight scene (so they can talk to each other and Felicity, etc.) are calibrated to spare themselves from the call. There might have been a line about changing the frequency of the call at some point that made me assume that, or I just made it up?

Is there a reason that there is a difference in pronunciation? Why not have everyone pronounce it the same way from the start?

Ugh does he have them under the same drug as he gives the ghosts? That would be all kinds of f***ed up

I just giggled picturing this scenario

Technical question on this: why does the actual Ra's pronounce it "Raise" and everyone else pronounce it "Raws"? Last year's Ra's and now Malcolm both do that.

BUT IS CURTIS OK?! Did we ever see him after Dahrk's goons left the party???

Yea I'm pretty sure she slept with the pirate. I hope that doesn't mean he's coming back, he skeeved me out

I was wondering the same thing with Belle - was she pulled back to him subconsciously once he became the Dark One again? Because that…is creepy. But at least gives us an explanation as to why she came running back to his arms at the end of the episode.

Had same thought process on the "power" of the Dark Ones. Their collective power should still only be the power of a single dark one. I hate when they get so lazy with magic.

The fact that the dwarves weren't there at the end even though they were also marked for death was indefensible.

Seriously, when was the last time we even saw Arthur in Storybrooke? That's just silly.

The first 30 were easily the worst of the whole production. I almost bailed too, but was glad I stuck it out.

I thought that was really odd too, because I couldn't find him in any of the other "all cast" numbers. So he just showed up for the Emerald City scene? Why?

He was indefensibly bad.

Ugh I want this. Who has a time machine?

Was Common reading off a teleprompter? He had 2 short scenes and looked like he didn't know how he ended up there in both of them.

For us non-comic readers: is it always that Hawkman remembers their history before Hawkgirl does and has to find her and "wake her up"? Or does it vary reincarnation to reincarnation?

I'm pretty sure Fallon's an executive producer and co-created it with John Krasinski and Stephen Merchant or something like that. And it airs on an NBC Universal channel, so yea, he's making money off of it.