olive snook

I can't bring myself to watch the video - he was serious?

and slim jim, he's the blue genie

Particularly after the mess that was Jupiter Ascending, which this trailer sorta reminds me of, and yet Gods of Egypt actually looks better? Maybe?

Iris being part of the team is such a great development. We get to see way more of who she really is. Love that she has a similar sense of humor as Joe.

Yea, you think they're going to address this ever?

I dug that they made it a jumpsuit to make it realistic.

I'm with you, I totally mumbled, "Ease up, Joe" to myself during that treadmill scene.

This was so clever, love when they pull off one-liners like that.

I just started watching the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend episodes that had been piling up on my DVR since the show premiered this week, and I can't get enough of the show or Rachel Bloom now, so this was perfect timing. Great interview.

They really should have been cast younger, no? It seemed so weird that these grown men in a masculine culture were kidnapped without seeming to fight back and the end hug with the 4 of them was painfully awkward. I'm not saying grown men don't hug their sister in a huddle, but I'm not sure Scottish clansmen would.

Exactly, I have at least one moment of confusion in Granny's per episode.

I was so sure this was where they were going with it, especially after her little meta comment about someone noticing she's smart and useful, I was actually shocked at the end. While I like that this is another Emma-Rumple showdown with the roles reversed, it was so painfully obvious that Belle should have gotten a

This must have been an ongoing thing with Gambon, there's a similar story from the filming of one of the Harry Potters, Azkaban, I think? All of the kids are sleeping in the great hall, Gambon and Rickman hid a fart machine in Radcliffe's sleeping bag. The whole room was dead silent with 100s of kid extras, and

Thank you, my thoughts exactly.

I'm really not feeling it either. First of all, Natalie Morales is 30, and I know Rob Lowe doesn't age, but it's still a frustrating age gap. And then there's the fact that in the real world, this is sexual harassment. I feel like the PC police, but should we really be playing it for laughs? The only part working

I think you might have been thrown off by what I was initially thrown off by: the scenes in Granny's in this episode took place in Camelot, not in Storybrooke, as Granny's restaurant was also transported to Camelot. So Lancelot meeting Snow, and then Snow and Charming being doused with the Pink Mist (scene in the

Ditto, I love him in this role.

The futuristic train/cityscape was their transition and cue to let you know we weren't in Earth 1 anymore. I'd say the 1940s hairstyles on the ladies in STAR Labs was another one. It worked for me.

And in another he is Santa Claus.

Or that it also happened to Wells/Thawne? Is that possible?