olive snook

Really didn't like The Beast knowing Quentin's name either.and all that might imply, as you and others note. There was a lot to like in the trailer at least. Surprisingly good visuals, for one.

Where the hell is Will Scarlet? You'd think he'd be a good man for organizing the Camelot knights in the woods, good for a few quips at least.

Ugh, good point.

I feel really stupid for never realizing that was her until this interview. Wow.

I think that's absolutely why she was spending any time with him, yea.

So I'm just catching up on the show now and reading old reviews here and there, and I'm always searching to see if anyone ever mentioned how amazing it is that both Moira and Thea have moles on their upper lips, so thank you for this. I also like that Oliver has a mole on his chin right by his lower lip, as if "lip

I like it, I'm sold.

Thanks for the explanation!

Does that mean we're going to find out how a vampire with no genitals impregnated a human woman?

I was wondering the same during the scene, but then Alana seemed genuinely surprised by the envelope's contents. If someone knew what was inside, I'd assume she'd be high on the "people to tell" list.

I don't think the drug dealer was on heroin. He was way too pulled together. I think they're trying to show us that the virus is in everyone from the start of the outbreak, where as in TWD I'd assumed it was a mutation at some point that CDC Doc tells Rick about.

The theories that focus on his lineage are not really about taking the throne though. They have to do with the white walker threat.

Yes, they burned the Seven. But there's also a scene (just last season?) where they burn Selyse's brother for not submitting to the Lord of Light.

Excellent point about the all-stars

I didn't realize I was as bothered as I am by the new format until you laid it all out for me here, Oliver. The whole thing seems destined to allow street style dancers who can only do their chosen style to remain in the competition over more versatile dancers on the stage side (but hey, I'm open to surprises!).

"…might end up hastening the end of the show by trying to save it."

This is also nerdy nitpicking, but my immediate reaction was "choreography is a more apt comparison to an extra life. Vegas is the next boss level!" NERD.

I have the same worry - losing stage dancers who can do 8 styles well to a street performer who does the same animation every week. I hope I'm just jumping to unfounded conclusions and they've put more thought into this than I'm imagining.

Exactly why a choreo round was needed. Same with Kiosh.

Plus, with Mary Murphy gone, we don't even have a ballroom expert there anymore. If anything, I could see it suffering further this year.