olive snook

If having an African-American on the panel was a goal, which I have no opinion on either way, they should have just made tWitch the permanent judge and had Cyrus or Fik-shun (sp?) or Comfort or one of the other prominent "street" style all-stars as the mentor. Derulo is going to bring nothing to that seat. tWitch is

But are they going to make the street dancers do any of the stage styles in Vegas (and vice versa)? If they're keeping the teams separate, maybe they'll never have to do the others' style?

Yup, same guy as Yes, Dear. He definitely worked at a college but I don't remember what he did. Was Traylor his sister maybe?

We (pea)COCK comedy!

The best part of that scene was the fan video someone made about the "epic" Chloe-Cal love affair

I absolutely think Jenn was joking.

EXACTLY. Thank you. Dan both got his letter AND won the advantage. What is his beef?

I actually don't believe his apology at all. All of his fake apologies throughout the season are blending together for me now, but there was one along the way where he came across as pretty sincere, and then in his confessional he admitted he didn't mean it at all, that he said what he had to say (ETA: to fix his

I think that was a joke, like when Jeff asked who would have voted for Malcolm if he'd been in the final and all his buds didn't raise their hands to fuck with him. No way she'd actually do it, she just thought it'd be funny to say she would have.

Why do the Survivor producers love Jim Rice so much? What am I missing there?

I saw it as current - Nostradamus asked if Francis had been taking the herbs he'd been secretly slipping Francis ever since Francis' near death collapse a few episodes ago, and Francis said yes but they haven't been working as well or something like that. I don't remember why he left so I can't figure out why he is

And so I guess magic is in fact *real* in this world then (longingly remembers The Darkness).

Nostradumbass returns!!! This was a pretty fun finale, all things considered (all things = all the terrible decisions the writers have made this season). If only Francis had chopped off Conde's head in that cell, it would have been as near to perfect as this season can get.

I can't believe Conde escaped this season alive.

They leaned into the procedural too much rather than world-building, but I'm sure that had to do with NBC pressure to try to get more people to tune in. We were left with lots of untapped potential.

Yes, I see what you're saying now. They were worried about what would happen to all that darkness if it became untethered from Rumple/the Dark One, so they went along with the Apprentice's hat containment idea. I'm with you.

Maybe I'm not enough of a hero, but I would have at least raised the issue of whether Rumple was worth saving - particularly at the cost of Emma's soul.

Beautifully said. RIP Betty Hofsteadt Draper Francis.

As I sit here at my desk the next morning, I find my heart breaking more and more at the news of Betty's diagnosis. That's all I can really say about it so far: my heart is broken.

Seriously though, who/what was that guy? It better not get dropped like all the other fits and starts with magic and pagans. Or does Claude just have syphilis too now?