olive snook

Can I clarify one thing though, Caroline and fellow commenters? The severed head Conde pulled out of his cape(?), that was Francis's messenger boy, not one of the Spanish allies. Right? The implication being that none of the 3 letters to Spain requesting immediate help ever got to them.

Yes, he had to leave court in a hurry, but I don't remember why at ALL.

I'm fully convinced Mary is tricking Conde, or else this show is a lost cause. I don't know where she's going with it either - hoping that will be enough for Conde to abandon the siege?

It's the #1 Cable Series of 2014!*

I also think we're supposed to assume that Bash's saving means Francis' demise. It was a fun twist I didn't see coming this episode, but we'll see if it remains fun or annoying as the season concludes.

I don't think he and Claude ever did more than flirt and grope at that one party. Claude showed up in his bed in this episode in the morning uninvited - or did I read the scene wrong? He says something like, "does this ever work for you?"

Yup, she is super annoying me, and I am bummed about it.

I will give Reign credit for this: I was not expecting the return of FRANCIS'S BLOODY EAR (TM) last night.

Cook County, Illinois uses that equipment still too.

I got so nauseous I actually turned it off, went to bed and finished the episode this morning. I have never had such a reaction to gore on TV, and I watch Hannibal (though the angel wings and the human eye come close to Annelise in a suitcase). Even with my body's reaction to the scene, it didn't feel gratuitous.

I don't remember season 1 Diane being such a horrid bitch. Get over Kenna already Diane, she's making your son pretty happy when you're not mucking it all up. Or if Claude isn't, that is.

Catherine's playing in the snow white fur coat/dress combo were stunning.

The dog's reappearance made me absurdly happy.

A show about young Elizabeth, with CW-soapiness and anachronistic costumes? I am HERE FOR IT.

Leith is totally going to follow her and "save" her.

Mary's Irish Wolfhound: Long may he/she REIGNNNNN

Just when USA gave me Jay Harrington back on my TV every week (and Eliza Coupe!), they took him away:(

I was bracing myself for that reveal so hard, and while I was relieved they didn't go there, I still cried just as hard at the actual reveal. Dang it, P&R!

Damn! I'd forgotten!

Earlier in the episode when Donna mentions that Elton John had bought Chick-fil-a and now it was doing really well I had a split second, wait WHAT? Is that a real thing that is happening?!?! before I snapped out of it and realized it was "2017" and I was a moron.