olive snook

but it makes sense in the books, so Disney also purchased GRRM?

I want this to come true really badly.

I laughed so hard at Ben's "it makes sense in the books!" response.

I'm surprised that by 2017 Ben wasn't having them sign on a projecting tablet. That would have cut down on his trips back to the office for a new form though, and thus ruined the joke, so… carry on!

Great analogy to 30 Rock, defnitely agree.

I was girding my loins for a "Diane left me" revelation, and even though thankfully they didn't take his story there, I was still sobbing like a baby at Sad Ron's sad eyes at April's goodbye party.

Oh yea, that's a great point, there was no reason for it. It's like the actress is required to have a set number of minutes of screen time per episode, and they'll shoehorn it in, reason be damned! Or I'm blowing this out of proportion. Could be the latter.

I love this show and Barry's smile so damn much. Jesse L. Martin is really having a lot of fun here, isn't he?

Richard's anger at himself for going with the joke opening and thus ruining his ability to say "WELL, WELL, WELL" to Galavant effectively was delightful. They got a lot better at that kind of silly, well-executed humor in these 2 episodes, and now I'm sad to say goodbye to the show next week.

I figure he's there to have a reason for Valencia, Gal, King Richard and Garth (and Chef!) to get on the same side. They'll take down Kingsley and Madalena together. He's a plot device, sure, but I do think he'll matter.

I am in love with this comment section. I feel like its the lost script for a never released 30 Rock episode or something. It was "lost" by "NBC" for being too "edgy."

Ditto, I kind of like the second one.

I love the specificity and the casting choices here. Well done.

My mind is blown.

I'm still so sad that she wasn't there for Breaking Dawn, Part 2. They should have rescheduled that recording just to make sure she was there.


I think I must have been having a fever dream due to Lee Pace's presence on my TV screen, but did anyone else think one of the bartenders looked identical to Theo James, aka Mr. Pamuk from Downton and Four from Divergent? I know this makes zero sense since he didn't have any lines and why would he need to take such a

(Weeps quietly over the demise of Pushing Daisies for the millionth time) Me too.

Yea I didn't hear the Big Apple reference, just "Beantown," but it still works for The Night of Incorrect City Slogans on Network TV (TM)

I actually thought these 2 episodes (4 more than 3 though) were fantastic. I am all in on this show.