olive snook

Agreed, Tom admitted to Carver he lied about Paul hitting Danny. Someone else mentions that maybe Tom was trying to find the backpacker so he could frame him for the murder. That's quite possible, but I also think he may have just made the whole thing up after he panicked and ran. The kid was processing

I'm not sure Beth being the killer would be any less depressing for me than Danny having endured Joe's creepiness and then been accidentally killed by his best friend who was trying to protect him from the best friend's pedo dad. Though I despise the idea of Carver being the killer, so at least they didn't go there.

Carver asks Tom about the emails though, doesn't he? He asked him why Danny only used that address for emails to Tom and one other person (and didn't say who the other person was). Joe knew in that moment that Carver knew Joe was involved, and the shoe question solidified it. If he comes clean then, maybe they stop

I think she truly thought it was him. Explained by Carver's "same height, same build, same hat" explanation last night. She saw what she wanted to see.

Yikes, that would have been AWFUL.

Agreed, that was important.

And they tried to bring in a modern day approach with the end card to the https://rainn.org/ website and Adelaide Kane's video message regarding same I saw posted on their facebook page today - they're acknowledging that the way Mary Queen of Scots had to handle it is not how women or men must handle themselves today.

I had completely missed the controversy surrounding the leaked story line, so I was in total and utter shock at what I saw on my screen last night. I think that might have ultimately allowed me to see it as more than for shock value. The moment itself was realistic without being gratuitous, and like Caroline said,

Your comment is so everything I was thinking last night. I was hoping the review would discuss these issues, but I'm glad the comments section is picking up that slack.

Your last point is astute, and I'm sure intentional.

Because after The Flash lost his powers this episode the future headline DID change when Wells checked it; in fact, there was no mention of The Flash at all in his future computer's database, so that's how he knew the future was malleable, and he had to protect The Flash or that headline would never come to fruition.

Ditto. I figured his mind was going hmmmm if Iris is about to die, Barry will develop a new power to save her! Let's see how I can make this happen….

Is Girder really dead-dead? Or is it possible Harrison can heal him up?

Not only do we ignore that, the characters (including a police officer) ignore it too! Fun for all!

"Except he wasn’t actually able to do that, right? Temporarily, sure, but now that they know the quick-fix for the power outage, that doesn’t seem like such useful information to have."

Does anyone else wish Sarah would put more weight behind those 2 calls that pinged off cell towers by Leakin Park at the time Jay says they were burying the body there? She glossed over it so quickly because she looks at everything through the lens of "I want Adnan to be innocent" (my words, not hers), but that, and

Oh, I don't think I was 100% clear - I didn't want him to realize he wanted to love Jess in this episode, I just thought bringing up his most recent serious relationship where he said "I love you" would make sense after he admits he "doesn't know how to love," and would be a good way to address his need to grow as a

I was hoping they were going to use his "I don't know how to love" confession to dig into why Nick and Jess couldn't work at this particular time in their life. But then Jess was never referenced and they just sang sad songs, so I guess they were just going for the easy joke and not really looking to mature the

I LOVE this theory and hope it's true. I just hit post on a comment about how I thought her entries on Danny didn't totally square with their antagonistic past, so this explanation would make that all make sense. Wish I'd read your comment first!

Right there with you Gwen - "DON'T LEAVE, DANNY!" passed my lips during that final scene, and my prayer was answered. Great episode with lots of laughs, and I definitely agree we're headed for a confrontation over their future, but I think they're going to come out the other side of it just fine (please, writers?).