olive snook

Broadchurch/Possible Gracepoint spoilers: I believe there was a hiker who talked to Danny, but it was another red herring.

I assumed that's where she was going to go with the conversation after she told him he was brave for sharing his feelings and not everyone can do that, and then nope, nothing.

I don't think I heard babe, but I noticed "bud" and "buddy" a few times.

That's what stuck out to me too! Why are you sooo angry at a car who stopped in time to not hit you after you raced into the street without looking both ways first?! They're not in the wrong!

They left us on a cliffhanger with Joel and Julia and then they don't even appear in the episode?! Parenthood, you're not The Walking Dead, you don't do this to us!

But in the show, it just seems like he went crazy on a bunch of people and it terrified his family into leaving him behind. It made it seem like he was a crazy psycho, not that he was justified in what he did to those men. If he really was seeking revenge for what these guys did to his family, you'd think his wife

So I've been totally behind on this show and just last night caught up, so I finally get to join the discussion! I've seen Broadchurch (but no spoilers here, don't worry), so my biggest issue so far has been how different Anna Gunn's Ellie is to Olivia Coleman's, and not in a positive way. Olivia's Ellie was warm

After seeing the preview at the end of last night's episode, I can see that is very true and I cannot WAIT to see where it goes from there. The show has been alright, but a pale comparison to Broadchurch, so I'm very ready for a shift.

I'm actually bummed, I enjoyed the show and all its silliness, and the season 2 finale (now series finale) left us with tons of cliffhangers. Boooo.

This was a Friends reference, yes?

They did a VOD release first for some reason, I watched it a few weeks ago. It confused me too when I saw Daniel Radcliffe red carpet and talk show appearances this week for it. I figured I'd missed the release in the summer somehow.

In a pretty thankless role too, I'm afraid.

I agree with all of the criticisms raised in the review, but settle on a B for the overall grade. It was good not great, and all the pieces were there that could have made it the latter. A tighter script, with a little more explanation or perhaps mythology involving the titular horns would have been welcome.

I'd totally be in that pumpkin patch too.

I love it.

I agree, I was waiting for that explanation rather than, "because that's what a MAN does." No, that's what a normal human being does.

I didn't even care that Sue's elaborate set-up was totally impossible because I was so in love with it. I am now dreaming of future Halloweens when I live in a neighborhood where I could do this sort of thing in my backyard for the kids (and for me). Maybe a double-feature with Hocus Pocus perhaps? (I really love

No one would advise him to go get his MBA right away, it's always suggested to get real world experience before you go back for it, employers don't love MBA grads with no experience.

Related: while I am enjoying Meadows and Bucatinsky on this quite a bit so far, I am finding it ludicrous that one of them could be Casey's biological father. I'm wiling to suspend disbelief due to Meadows' line-readings in reaction to Bucatinsky's absurdity though.

Mindy and Danny are, despite their individual idiosyncrasies, more mature and stable than both Nick and Jess are, which really helps sell the idea of a healthy, lasting relationship. Mindy and Danny know who they are, Nick, and to a lesser extent perhaps Jess, just don't yet. I didn't hate NIck & Jess together and