olive snook

I'm a civil lawyer, and judges hate almost everything the lawyers on this show do, so I'm biased by personal experience, but blindsides at this low level would not be worth it to Finn - it would impact his ability to work with Alicia on other issues later, because if he's going be an a-hole, then she's going to be an

I couldn't figure out why he looked familiar. THANK YOU!

I definitely got to know this cast better in the premiere than the last few. There's a few younger girls that are all blending together, but otherwise they did a great job introducing a bunch of them

Oh dear, do you know that Caleb passed away tragically?

I… did not know that either. Brilliant.

That cannot be Christopher Walken. That looks like a drag queen cosplaying Tim Curry

More like why hasn't Brad called Sue and been like "uhhhh where are you??"

I got my braces on the day after my 16th birthday and the top ones came off days before the start of senior year. It was a magical moment in time. the bottoms weren't ready for another 6 months, so I too was one of the only kids with braces senior year, but they barely showed, so I can't really complain.

Everything in this post mirrors my exact thoughts and viewing habits. We're all in this together.

I went into this show only having seen Pan's and Pacific Rim of Del Toro (loved and loathed, respectively). I was hoping that between FX, the better parts of Carlton Cuse's work, a decent cast and Guillermo's imagination, which is not lacking, that this show could be something great and lean more toward Pan's. The

Cap 1 IS terrible. But watch Cap 2, it's a good one.

Cosigned :/

I was more disappointed that they had her cut off that gorgeous ginger hair and then all she did was look angry and fight her sister. I didn't see that as her fault, they just weren't ready to give her more yet - here's hoping Avengers 2 remedies that.

How did I forget that Will is moving into Storybrooke?! Excited.

I am too!

That thinking actually makes a good argument for continuing reviews for The Vampire Diaries and Once Upon a Time - heavily serialized shows that lend themselves to discussion. Not to only disparage Modern Family reviews, but as an example, other than "that line was funny" and "I wish she wasn't such a caricature,"

Oh you've already finished the first 4 seasons? Then yes, Joff's is purple. Cause purple = royalty and how he looked at the end of the episode.

Yes I do! Though I agree with Sonia that shouldn't this affect their friendship? I get they are on opposite sides of the law, but Finn was super under handed here twice when he didn't really need to be, and that would not be something I would tolerate in a friendship.

Until I hear a recording, I'm going to remain skeptical that Cary actually said anything. If it existed, I would have thought blonde private investigator lady would have played a little bit of it for Kalinda so Kalinda knew this was real.