olive snook

I fell behind in my viewing when they jumped to 2 episodes a week so I just finished up the series last night but still wanted to jump into this comments section because it was just so fun. I doubt they'll come back for season 2 but I really hope they do.

My fiance in all seriousness said every week while we were watching that he would gladly do this show for free. So yea, getting to live in a castle and pretend to battle fantasy creatures is enough for some people :)

I called Christian Evil Legolas. He wasn't THAT evil, but he was way more underhanded and ragey than the rest of them, and he looked sorta elfish in the middle of a fantasy world, and thus, Evil Legolas.

Oh my gosh thanks, this is great.

Your comments made me laugh so much. Shondo on Parks n Rec in particular for some reason - yes.

Totally. I'm sure there was a prize, but telling them about the new Acura they'll get (or whatever it is) if they're the one true hero would kind of take them out of the fantasy.

Thank god. I was rooting for Patrick, and then when he got banished, Shondo all the way. Andrew was kind of insufferable, and I could never tell if he was serious in his earnestness during the confessionals, or if this was exhibit A of his acting reel for future auditions.

ShonDOE (Andrew's pronunciation) is a fascinating dude.


The guy was awesome, I sincerely hope this leads to other roles for him. Obviously we don't know exactly how they filmed each scene, but it seemed like he'd have to go a long time in between looking at a script, especially in the episodes after they left the castle and were on the run. He had to have a great memory

I thought it would be Crio too! The vizier was easy to figure out for the paladins, Crio would have been a legitimate shock for them. Ah well.

From the minute the vizier was introduced and was clearly so evil, I was convinced he was actually going to be good for once. Definitely a missed opportunity.

The guards going over the sides of the bridge were a nice touch. This show was fun.


How does this video not have more views?!

Wait, Kanye was referencing a year and a half old Oscar acceptance speech?! I am baffled by how Kanye's mind works.

I think he does too. He has no comprehension of the legitimate reasons why people think he's a crappy person.

Poor Regina King.

Thanks. And seconded. I don't care how rude Eph was to me, I'm staying put until morning, if not forever.

Yea you don't casually stroll by a bunch of looters.