olive snook

Also, Eph, I'm pretty sure the director of the CDC didn't put you in charge of killing vampires. Fet and Dutch were asking who put you in charge of this little group. Stop being a dick.

Reviewer was just wondering what the heck her character is up to now.

What WERE they hoping to accomplish? Convince the guy to help them?

Right? Eph was being a dick but not enough that it would be better to take your chances on the street. But also, why is Eph being such a dick? You guys are the only ones trying to combat the vamps right now, knock it off with the ego.

You're the best mom in the WHOLE WORLD!" ughhhhh

So true. It's not a new revelation that post-WWII women struggled to "go back to kitchen" after they had contributed so greatly to the war effort. The double-whammy of also having to go back to 18th century womenhood for Claire? Seems almost impossible to not have a slip-up, no matter how smart she is.

Ahahahha here's a gif of the scene I was referring to, it's all I could find. I never watched Nip/Tuck so didn't recognize how shockingly similar this is: http://img2.tvtome.com/i/u/…

That'll do it.

I think I had an elaborate rant waiting in case Parsons DID win for this too, and I confused that with what actually happened.

OH dang it, how did I already misremember that?!

But to win over Bomer for one that one scene (which was admittedly heart-breaking)? Bomer all the way.

I guess you don't watch Reign. Which is understandable, but that show is all kinds of fun.

Surprising, and a great cast, but Ryan Murphy, so meh? Guess HBO wanted ALL the Emmys.


Exactly, Chehon's basically the opposite example of that.

I think I'm remembering correctly that the all-stars choreographed on the contestants last year for the first time. I wonder why they didn't bring that back. The all-stars seemed less a part of the competition than previous year's too somehow. Last year I was so sad to see the contestant pairings end (Jasmine and

All the more reason to keep the number of shades of green in a costume to a minimum!

My real issue with the Bollywood crew was that the "star" who came out midway through and was in a red vest instead of everyone else's blue wasn't as sharp in his movements as the rest of his crew. As if he put this thing together and makes himself the star but actually isn't as good as the rest. That's the

I think he just meant last night - be on the judges' panel instead of the awkward introduction. I agree that Paula shouldn't be a permanent judge anymore, but she's good as a guest.

It was incredible. Favorite of the night. My eyes were darting back and forth trying to take it all and I was just mesmerized.