olive snook

Ricky being the star of the opening number last night was also less than subtle.

UGH ME TOO. I was waiting and praying and waiting and praying for that and then it didn't come and the bit ended. I was sads.

Speaking of Jasmine, she rocked her appearances last night. I just wish her pants weren't so unflattering in that hip hop with Emilio.

The person who should have won, did, which is always a good thing. I just wish Valerie had not been runner-up. Personal final four: Ricky, Jessica, Zack, Valerie.

I wish I understood why they decided to have the bike shorts green clash with the shirt's green. Why are there so many greens?!?!

How did you even find this?!

It has to be. I can't imagine Allison Williams agreeing to cut off her gorgeous locks.

Yes, Capaldi broke my heart and forced me to get on board with him in that scene. Without the phone call, we wouldn't have had 12th's incredible reaction to it. Definitely worth it.

Agreed. It was too meta and too patronizing. Don't make me feel bad or as if I never "knew" the Doctor until now. I never thought I'd get over Tennant and Matt Smith won me over in a single episode, and not because of his looks - I came to find him attractive eventually but that was personality-related as well. If

When somebody (Sookie?) name-dropped were panthers earlier in the episode, I got so nervous. Like, nobody say it 2 more times in case they're like Beetlejuice!

I agree, I was expecting more from the character in the way of motivation. At the end I thought, Karen Gillan had to shave her gorgeous head of hair for THAT (note: "that" only meaning her role in it, overall this was my favorite Marvel movie to date)? So here's hoping she has more to do in Guardians 2 or Avengers

I'm really hoping that they went for broke on the appealing-to-the-masses thing in the pilot to get it picked up, and then they majorly tone it down after that. Kind of like New Girl.

I'm not saying I just recently realized it. It was years ago, and I hadn't seen an episode where they referenced the dress rehearsal prior to it. I also wouldn't say they often compare the two. It's like a few times a season max.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Casey's and Jessica's disco routine, but all-in-all I was sad to see Jessica's night not go that well, and not for lack of effort on her part (honestly if the costumes were less horrid in that jazz number, I think the judges might have actually liked it. They were just

I know they've shown the dress rehearsal at least one time before, because I remember going wait, the judges get to see the rehearsal? I don't know how I feel about that! But then I realized it was totally unrealistic to think they could form such cohesive feedback (ok, not always cohesive) on the spot for that many

Which…is just bizarre. I've seen 1 episode of Hollywood Game Night and a couple of random clips, and Jane never seems at ease in the role. It always looks like she's thinking of the next thing she has to do or say, which is pretty much the exact opposite of how Ms. Deeley conducts herself, who seems so in the moment

I just got sad envisioning the wedding hip hop number with Tanisha instead. Valerie did a good job, but she's definitely not as hard hitting and precise as Tanisha, which would have brought the piece to another level.

I wish they'd run more replays as well, good call.

I said the same thing - wait weren't they on their way to the dome at the end of last week? Why are they now back at the house and why didn't they continue on?

But he lives there and clearly cares about the well-being of the mom and kid. To then be called a guest would be a slap in the face, even if he did absolutely cross a line (or several) there.