olive snook

I actually trained at the same dance studio as Ryan many ages ago in Michigan. Ryan was a few years older than me and Evan a few years younger, and we all looked up to Ryan in awe of his talent. Younger kids would sit in on the rehearsals for his solo tap routines just to see what he'd come up with (YES! people

Yea that's true. She probably said that Rudy was cute ONCE and now she has to pretend like this is something real or suffer the wrath of Rudy's fanbase.


AMEN. I said this with all sincerity last season - once you get to the top 10, just rotate them with different all-stars each week for like 5 more weeks, with no vote-off, and I would be happy as a clam.

Yes, Emilio's progression on this show was absolutely the best of what SYTYCD can be for dancers. I'll miss him too.

I really miss having these reviews every week, there's so much great analysis in Oliver's review here and I want to comment on it all!

I'd love to see an Aaron-Zack tap combo. Here's hoping.

I absolutely had the same problem with the long brunette hair girls.

I mainly just listen to this awful show while doing other things, so I missed that Skater Kid was the one who raised his hand for Big Jim's plan. Good lord does that make zero sense with what comes after. Much appreciate you pointing the ridiculousness out.

I can't believe they just had Skater Dude reappear like that. Wasn't he Joe's best friend? And yet hasn't checked in with him in weeks and not to see if Joe was alright after his sister was murdered? I love it.

That might have been the worst offender for me. NO SHIT, JUNIOR!

Being too young for the 1974 version, I only know the 1993 version (aired on Saturday mornings on ABC, I think?), and of course whatever that horrifying Will Ferrell movie was. 93 was super cheesy, but I was a kid and a family fell into a crack in the earth that brought them to a land with dinosaurs, so I was good

I suppose it could be as simple as the writers deciding later into the season that they didn't know what to do with the character so they wrote him out without fully exploring the threads they'd teased earlier. Or maybe they lost the actor to another project.

Yea I was so focused on where they were leaving the story at Cardiff that I didn't even stop to think - hey, why does Joe get to go off and find his mom (presumably) and not have any consequences for setting fire to the whole point of the season? Thanks for pointing that out, though now I'm even more annoyed at this

I can't seem to find anything else to say other than I agree.

Extremely well said.

I had problems all season with the time jumps between big events. Kept feeling like I'd missed a scene. I do hope there's a second season, and that they correct these issues.

I am really pretty bummed about this episode. After the highs of the last 2 weeks, what a disappointing way to close out the season and possibly the series. The best moments all season were when the 3-4 leads (Joe/Cameron/Gordon/Donna) were working TOGETHER with the potential to create something great. This whole

Oh I'm going to have to go with horrible.

I didn't either. I find that amazing, and a true assessment of the painful viewing experience of this show.