olive snook

If Carrie had given every episode this season an F, I would not complain.

I thought the same thing. What is that logic?! (Yea I know, logic on True Blood, lalala)

OMG she was on this show already?! No wonder every one seemed so familiar, I'd completely forgotten.

Speaking of Eric's quest, why hasn't Sookie called Eric yet to be like, "How's the hunt for the cure going?" Cause I kinda gave Bill fairy-Hep-V and he's pretty much toast."

This is completely accurate, I'm afraid.

But not your keys to the jail cells!

I wish they'd acknowledge that the dome can make people crazy. DJ Sheriff's insanity kinda came out of nowhere.

That really is the saddest part. I guess we're supposed to forget what a ginormous creep/potential rapist/kidnapper he was for most of the first season.

He may have mistaken Angie for Melanie, but I also think that HE thinks that if he kills the 4 new "hands" of the dome, it will bring the dome down. That's why he almost killed Junior, and then he was going to turn his attention to Joe and Norrie.

Your recap is superb all around, but this made me lol the most:

The "fighting" may have been the best part of the episode where laugh-out-loud moments are concerned. So tepid. And so…silent. Why wouldn't the director also have them yelling things at each other instead of kinda-sorta-mumbling? And the townspeople only shoved the people directly next to them for the most part,

PS that was indeed a sick burn by Gordon. I audibly went "ooooooooo."

Another step-up! I don't have to root for my TV leads, but it's nice to be able to on a show like this where the narrative wants them to succeed.

Well said.

Right? Is mom moving for full custody? If not, why is there a question of Eph losing partial custody?

My fiance called him Poor-Man's-Christoph-Waltz during that scene too, we're right there with you.

UGH THIS was my whole problem with that scene. How could you not even mention it?!

True Blood tried to do a campy vampire council season. It might have been its worst season to date unfortunately (jury's still out on this final one will turn out).

My biggest confusion over the Kramer v. Kramer scenes, especially after the 2nd episode, is that is the mom really going for full custody? They seemed to get along OKish and she wants her son to spend time with his dad it seems, so why is there a chance he's going to lose custody? He's clean and sober, he just works

I know they have a creature shop on set, so there's a good chance he actually is a puppet.