olive snook

I've seen every episode of True Blood (shame) and NOPPPPPEEEE to this.

EL Fudge are the best (packaged) cookies.

"The Children" are also going to deal with Dany's "children," I'm guessing. And Tywin's. Great episode title, actually. I think they could briefly introduce the children of the forest without going too deep this season.

It took me until episode 5 of Fargo to go WHOA, I am into this show. Before that I could appreciate the great acting and funny accents and it was all just nice and there and I'll get to it when I can, but now it's one that I can't stop thinking about after an episode ends, and I watch 20 minutes after it starts (so I

I agree, and the perfect placement if I'd been in charge would have been SPOILERSSSSSSS

I definitely do not want to see John Landgraf leave FX for FOX. You can only do so much on network television no matter how gifted you are at the job. He'll do more for quality television staying at FX and continuing to allow his creative show runners to do their thing. Maybe I'm not giving him enough credit, but I

I felt like such a Disney freak for thinking "WRONG WAY!" every time they'd move toward something specific. Happy to hear I'm not the only one!

I was waiting for Frankie to freak out about how expensive Brick's hat was going to be (and isn't embroidery extra?), but this being an ABC show, I should have realized they couldn't point out too much how expensive a Disney World vacation can be.

I'd forgotten just how gorgeous Mary's wedding dress was. And you guys can never talk up Reign enough for me.

That would be SO much fun, but I kind of like them spread out. I can appreciate them more when not back-to-back (something I wish HBO and AMC would let me do with Game of Thrones and Mad Men!)

I'm so glad you highlighted that exchange. It was Woo in a nutshell.

I really wish they'd let us hear what he said while he was writing her name down rather than Trish's voiceover.

I took a picture of my TV paused on Tony's vote for Trish because I was so confused I had to remember that it happened with photographic evidence. I still do not understand the move.

Though you'd think they could correct it by now, and yet I'm still hearing stories about the insane bidding wars on ebay for Frozen merchandise.

I audibly giggled when Elsa strutted her way out of the barn. Sorry I'm not sorry.

Yes, Robin definitely said "Marian" out loud earlier in the episode.

5) That's what I remember of Robin's earlier flashbacks too. Marian was dying of something after giving birth…I think? But I don't remember where they left them after that.

Yes, they're in the Norway part of Epcot. They basically turned a part of one of the stores into a fake "throne room" for pictures. We were there in February and the line was never shorter than 2 hours. We went by 3 times to see if we could get in without waiting that long, and finally gave up.

Hook punching his past self was absolutely my favorite moment of the 2 hours.

These two combined were absolutely my favorite episodes Once has ever done, beating out Cora's arc last season by a hair. Once always knows how to pull off a finale (something LOST was also pretty good at, aptly).