olive snook

I'll admit to not remembering at all what Marian looked like in her first appearance, so I absolutely gasped when Robin whispered "Marion?" at Grannie's.

Yup, they absolutely blew it. They had amazing numbers in their first season, and they let them all trickle away

What a swing of emotions today! From the high of Hannibal's renewal to this new low :(

I know, don't think I'll ever get over the cancellation of Pushing Daisies.


When the writers say "I believe it was…" I tend to wonder how much thought they really put into this show.

I will always hold it against Moffat that he didn't explore how Amy and Rory would have actually reacted to their baby being stolen had they been realistic humans

It felt more like the other characters just moved on, rather than them understanding Snow's motivations. They were all pretty shocked at her behavior if I recall correctly. But it was also the reviews and commenters at the time who took the approach that Snow had somehow turned to the dark side (and don't forget

AH but is this a "kid's show" or a "family show," ala Doctor Who, which also has a hero who doesn't kill like 95% of the time but there's still that 5% where he has to let things happen for the greater good and all that. I just think that's a more realistic approach to life.

Hans from Frozen?

I'm in! Particularly on Sheriff Graham :)

Oh yea, it had nothing to do with having Regina's actual blood, just that they shared blood (ew, I don't know how to phrase this better) as they were sisters. So then I'm with you, I don't know why Zelena needed Regina's blood vile.

Oh don't worry, I still thought both of Emma's Hook burns were VERY funny.

If only…

I also can't believe Emma and Hook spent their whole walk over to Zelena's bickering. They are terrible at magical missions.

A powerless, imprisoned Zelena who still has all her malice toward Regina is hardly "reclaimed innocence" but OK, OUaT writers, I've made enough other leaps in logic to continue watching you so I guess this is just one more.

#3 I actually don't remember this particular scene - but did she use it to be able to get into Regina's castle using "blood magic" or whatever? I'm probably mixing up the timelines.

The hand joke was downright cruel. Way to kick a guy when he's down!

It's completely obnoxious that she brought it up even once after Henry got his memories back. Once that happened, no way can she just take Henry away from Regina, not to mention his grandparents and everyone else he cares about in town.

This will never not bother me with this show. Heroes do kill…when they have to.