olive snook

I know! I couldn't stop myself from worrying about him and wondering if there is any chance in hell that Greer still picks Castleroy for all he can do for her sisters (good husbands Greer gets to approve of) and her father (money). These are not things one easily turns away from in that time period.

It still seems strange that Julien's secret is just his lack of funds. That felt like the obvious choice and the twist was coming, but then it didn't this episode, so maybe that's it?

I had the same question last week and the show definitely did not properly answer it. Kumagaroo replied to my comment last week and thinks it's because he has to take care of the horses and hounds, but I'd think they'd want every trained young man to join this fight, regardless of other obligations.

Yes, this one was definitely a bit of a struggle.

Your points are well taken, and I like your analogy to a spider web. The writers seem to get really excited about a new development and lose all interest in what came before. That's fine here and there, but as we're building to the first season's conclusion, the cracks are beginning to show.

I think you're right, but my memory is even fuzzier than yours on the details. He's certainly been trained in combat alongside Francis.

Couldn't agree more!

Shouldn't the horses and hounds be at war too, though?! At least the horses?? Mary can take care of the hounds right after she finds her gorgeous Irish wolfhound from the pilot.

Just playing devil's advocate, though I don't disagree with you, but taking away someone's crown, their birthright, is also pretty huge. Not the same as restricting personal freedom, but it does get close. At the time, I don't think I saw it for as big of a deal as it really was because I was such a full-on Mary

Yup, still recovering from the whiplash.

hahah well played.

lol "Peeta."

Definitely have the same question about Bash. You'd think he'd absolutely be joining his brother in this fight.

#NoPantsKingofFrance may be my all-time favorite hashtag

Well I missed commenting on Reign last week due to work obligations, and it seems I missed a lot of back and forth on the Mary-Francis relationship. I think I'm still working out how I feel about it, but I put the blame for that on the show's writers. They're not sure how we should feel about it either. Are we

JKR already did that for them.

Definitely think the joke was that Alana was the only one in her family who was lactose tolerant, rather than intolerant.

Corpse Bride is Burton's. Writer (of the characters, whatever that means, but I guess he didn't write the screenplay) and director.

I agree, I liked her too!

I loved Jefferson, I could talk about how much this show would be improved by his inclusion for days (and though I completely fell head over heels for OUaTiW, I loved the original idea for the spin-off, that it would be about Jefferson's adventures stuck with the Red Queen, and him getting back to Storybrooke and his