olive snook

this is GLORIOUS.

Dammit, this thread reminded me about August-as-child as well, and I'm angry all over again.


The Cora of this episode hadn't met Rumple or been taught magic yet, right? So she still had her heart, I think.

I very much agree, I was really surprised by the B-. The episode ended and I thought to myself huh, I really enjoyed that.

YES, I really need to talk about how odd it felt for Sally to be there - and that cozy with Danny - at the end. Last week's episode was out of order when he met her, so we have to assume, what, that after he broke up with Mindy he started talking with Sally again? And they're at that level of dating? Already? I'm

That it did!

And this weird little show called Privileged that was on the CW in the late '00s. I think she's adorable.

That crossed my mind too - guess that would mean Hook needs to make sure Emma's totally fallen for him first.

Oh that's pretty clever, I'd buy that.

That's how I read Francis' face in that scene at least!

"Like Francis, they can only look at her with the utmost respect as they lay down their swords in front of her."

Exactly! On that last bit, but agree with everything above.

Um yes I need to be a new patient ASAP!

Ditto! And I thought it was a good idea for him to be the only one who knew what was really up. He won me over awhile ago, but all of that helped solidify things

What terrible timing to dump the episode here then, as the follow-up to the break-up and not even with a week in between for us to get used to it before we get these crazy tonal shifts (that now make way more sense, admittedly, but still!)

Absolutely. And give it up for the actor behind Kendal as well. He had me tearing up right along with him last night.

Loved the finale. Cried my eyes out from ——SPOILERS—— Aidan's death-by-fire through the end. Glad I found this little thread here, I've missed talking about this show with AV Clubbers.

The wink! I died.

(4) I would LOVE to attend one of those parties