olive snook

Glad you guys will be covering the Games like London, it was a lot of fun to discuss the night's coverage with AV Clubbers

OH - and Jules' and Andy's back and forth where they keep trying to make the conversation about them was so fun and so perfectly Cul-de-Sac crew.


"I look amazing talking on the phone." was my line of the episode, but this one was all-around excellent, favorite of the season. I like my Cougar Town with a lot of heart wrapped around the zaniness.

I thought she SAID topless, but he thought she said tapas, which is why he said he doesn't like foreign food. Maybe?


I was thinking about it like you - he was in love with her from afar but couldn't let himself get close because of Francis, and now that he is allowed to, he has to wrap my mind around it. I kind of love that this show allows for such ruminating. That's what getting good actors does for you, even when plotting can

Fair point. And I agree that Toby should have chimed in and made a similar point. It was refreshing to see Adelaide be so honest and confront the rabid shipper fans (always a dangerous endeavor!), either way.

I love "Mash" as a shipper name too. "Frary" I'm less enthused with.

I say yes, and enjoy! It's such a fun show, it's one of my favorites every week

HA I actually noticed that too, strange choice.

Yes, this back-half of season one may turn out to be really telling re the show's potential. So far, very good!

Yup, that's exactly what was needed.

That's fine if he goes - I just need to see him on my TV screen doing it! I don't like Andy disappearing like that.

I think both, do you not?

That he did. Well said, Alasdair.

How could you resist what looked like real tears and sadness out of Amy Poehler as she said good-bye at the car?! Loved how the real emotion of the actors came through.

I wonder if Aziz has thought about leaving Parks to focus on his stand-up and movie roles. I obviously hope not, that he stays through the run of the show, but he keeps himself busy.

I still think it was a bad call to ignore that Michael Scott existed after Carrell left The Office. Totally took you out of the universe they'd created.

I didn't think about Mark (who does?) until I read the review, but now I'm kind of bummed they couldn't fit one scene with him in. Maybe Paul Schneider knows how much the fanbase hates his character, so he wouldn't say yes?