olive snook

The only thing I need from a series finale that this didn't give me is Leslie and Ben making a step toward leaving Pawnee.

It's always kind of surreal when things like that line-up. New Girl and Mindy Project had something similar earlier this season (though of course I'm blanking on what now), and Community & Parks have had it happen before too.

I was also reminded of Pushing Daisies.

The long break may have contributed to you forgetting about the baker boy, but you're right that they have a few issues here with forgetting about characters and plot lines. Ignoring the pagans and the woods for several episodes, for example. Leaving Nostradamus out entirely after having his throat slashed last week

I admit to chuckling at Isabel calling Bash a "gussied-up fop." Or maybe I just liked how Bash played the scene. Guys, I think I've fallen in love with Bash.


Oh, and Catherine's line about "let's not be cruel about Kenna and just call her strength 'seduction,'" well and pretty much everything involving Kenna this episode, was like the writers knew they made Kenna the absolute worst, and hey, if they're in on the joke, maybe it won't be so bad?

Agreed, we needed to get Francis out of there this week so it wasn't about the triangle and Francis pouting - it needed to be about Mary and Bash taking the first steps in their tentative relationship, and they nailed it.

Finally: chemistry between Mary and Bash! That last scene was HOT. Bash telling her that she would be his family and he would serve her above country got me all kinds of bothered. His piercing blue eyes helps. As much as I have come to like Francis and think him a decent partner for Mary, you know he'd never say

I was surprised we didn't check in on him, just to see if he was slowly bleeding out or being treated or what, but looks like we'll focus on that next week.

Thanks, Deborah! Much appreciated :)

This will never get read 1100 comments in, but Todd's review prompted me enough to post anyway. I think focusing the episode on Britta and Abed more than Troy was a very deliberate choice that I appreciated. It was Donald Glover's decision to leave and the character will no longer be with us, so it makes more sense

I would have considered Stephen Merchant and Christopher Guest people HBO wouldn't want to piss off as well, though your point is well-taken re HBO comedies. They don't seem to have a pattern in what they decide to support and what they decide to dump.

BAH HUMBUG. I watched both shows, loved em both. Boo.

Welcome back, all! Can't believe how much I missed this show, and this was so much fun. B+ episode, just on that.

Agree an under-developed Bash is holding it all back a bit. They now have an A-story with which to work on that though, so here's hoping.

Oh right, I forgot she stayed behind. She also probably drank the rest of their wine.

They also kind of abandoned their check, but we'll pretend we didn't see that

Definitely the best episode of this season so far, the jokes just clicked in their Cougar Town way.

Agreed that Christa Miller has figured out what to do and looks relatively untouched this season. Courtney Cox, on the other hand, ohhh it's upsetting me. Worst yet.