olive snook

Sugar, fine, but do you want chocolate and bourbon? I'm asking.

and Mr. Sunshine! I just realized that means she was a love interest for both Chandler and Joey post-Friends

I think Moriarty's network still had to believe Sherlock was dead so he could infiltrate and take them down in secret.

I had the same reaction to her "aspirational" id. Kind of a bummer for a silly joke. Her "I see Bin Laden-lookalikes all the time in Manhattan" was also off-putting.

For longer and used very well. It's been a delight to see a non-sociopath-Dennis side to Glenn.

Also a big fan of "Regina Phalange"

I gasped at the end. Nothing can beat "Cooler" for most incredible first kiss ever, but they did well by Mindy and Danny here.

This so much. From the little bits of advice I've heard from relationship counselors and the like, arguing like this is wholly unproductive and damaging.

But it only would have been spoiled if you read the article.

Because I ran track in high school, I have to throw in Marion Jones giving back her Olympic medals, Justin Gatlin suspended then returning to take medals clean (hopefully), and the epic disaster that was Oscar Pistorius's rise and rapid fall from grace.
I guess those last 2 kick-off the '10s sports scandals

I love this little show, felt so good to be back in Chatswin!

She has less secrets.

Yea even though we know she left because of behind-the-scenes reasons, they managed to make it seem really organic for the character and devastating for us all. Poor Tessa.

Somehow, it works!

I missed it too! It frees up Tudyk for other work, which is nice, because his story lines were always hit or miss here, but I did love his bro-time with George.

It was almost funnier that they didn't acknowledge that they met before. The just picked up where they left off: with Mindy being offended and Kevin Smith being clueless. One of the best bits of this poorly-edited episode

There's one in Chicago! Just a few blocks off Michigan Ave

Absolutely my favorite line of the ep.

A few lovely little moments and a good amount of laughs. I'll miss not having Axl in the house all the time.

Always good to see you sticking up for Wonderland on other threads! I've been missing the show quite a bit during this hiatus, definitely more so than the mothership