olive snook

dang it! it should have been.

Yea I'm thinking the writers want to forget that ever happened (and hope the audience does too)

I would have loved to see more of the outtakes/bloopers, there seems to be such a sweet, unromantic affection between Courtney Cox and Matthew Perry.

I unabashedly love this show. It is completely insane, and I mean that as a compliment.

Oh shoot I missed your post and then I accidentally posted as Guest and said the same thing and oh how I hate NuDisqus. But yes, not yet the final slap.

Fourth: where the author considers it a separate work of art than their own and understands/isn't bothered by the changes for that reason. I seem to remember Neil Gaiman taking that approach in the past, and somebody else relatively famous, can't remember. Of course, that could just be what they say publicly. Who

Uncle Walt would not approve!

Why would anyone down-vote this?!

That…would have been brilliant. Now I'm mad at them for not having the story go there.

"It makes me think nobody on the writing staff has any idea why they’re doing anything other than filling time."

That's absolutely my biggest problem with the show right now.

Aaron picked it up and walked out with it, and I'm pretty sure it was still full. What Aaron wants to do with it, I have no idea.

I'm not necessarily rooting for a reconciliation with Will (I love him too!), but I am enjoying her character quite a bit separate from that. Contrast that to the pilot, where I couldn't stop laughing at her pouty lips and over the top cliche lines.

Nicely stated.

exactly - the season as a whole was kind of a disappointment, but what a haunting finale. that final scene is one of the best the show's done.

You rock! Thanks for doing that.

Ah ha, got it now. My bad for not catching your sarcasm!

Agreed! I was waiting for a Lillian discussion, I loved where her story line went.

That is seriously a shame, I love Jane.

When you say it like that, man…