olive snook

I had a little mouse stuffed animal that looked an awful lot like Mew (in fact I named it Mew after this special), and when I cleaned out my stuffed animals I couldn't bear to part with that one and kept it with the other "favorite childhood memories." I couldn't throw out something that *might* come to life when I

Same! And I totally remember those commercials.

Thanks for including Christmas Toy in your holiday offerings - I grew up watching the special on a VHS my parents taped from the TV, I've never come across anyone else who'd even heard of it, and so I've never thought to look into its back story. It is most definitely sad and dark and a little creepy in places, but I

I am so down with this.

1. I dug it! She's kind of fabulous.

1. Now that they've shown how someone can become a genie through magic (Will), I do hope we see how Cyrus and his mother did. I also appreciated more of the back story on Alice and Cyrus, and I've come around quite a bit on Cyrus.

I find the voices for the CGI characters on this show so odd and unmatched. John Lithgow as the White Rabbit just does not work. Iggy Pop as the caterpillar is a little better, but Whoopi Goldberg coming out of that rabbit was so jarring I missed all her lines and had to rewind. I feel like most animated movies,

Wait, aren't Dr. Whale and Dr. Frankenstein the same person? What am I missing?

Great call on the parallels between Elphaba (novel version) and Regina.

I wish someone - anyone! - had embraced her after Rumpel disappeared. Come on Neal, give her a hug!

Totally agree. End the episode on Hook's "something terrible has happened." Open the March spring premiere with the kiss, etc.

You have an extremely valid point, and it's one I really struggled with the show on too, particularly when we were all supposed to be mad at Snow for stopping Cora, a murderer herself who was in the act of attempting to murder Snow's family members. The writers want us to think of their villains in shades of gray,

Oh it was definitely supposed to be a call-back, and I appreciated how much they mirrored the pilot. My point was the side characters are really underused, so they do something like show up for one-line reading and then they disappear again.

I'm guessing you mean Caleb? And yea, sadly, I judge Caleb more than Hayden. Colton is a cruel human being; Kat is just clueless and kind of insane.

I wondered the same - the jury's issues with her weren't exactly the audience's issues with her. There was some overlap, but we definitely saw the vulnerability - she is a a mess of insecurities - and the players must have only seen her being nice and fake.

I hope this is true, and somebody releases it secretly.

Not only did no one react to the Blue Fairy "waking up," but they seemed so indifferent to her very existence. They do such a terrible job with their peripheral characters. (See also: Grumpy: "THE CURSE IS HERE!" Thanks for showing up, buddy).

I think what I'm most interested in seeing is how Snow and Regina get along back in Fairy Tale Forest (that is if they get to keep their memories, which I SO hope happens, we don't need any more amnesiacs).

Yea that's not at all where I thought they were going with Pan's Shadow. Ah well.