olive snook

Really would have been an interesting way to end this show.

But then - no repeats until the end of the season!

I think they said there would always be a dark one because the dark one would never kill himself, but Gold has thrown off the dark one's nature, and thus he has a chance to end the cycle, which he takes.

I knew the explanation given by Regina didn't make sense for everybody, but I couldn't pinpoint it as well as you just did. Absolutely agree that Neal, Hook and Tinkerbell should have been able to stay in the real world, memories intact.

I still can't believe I like Avery now either. Well done, writers.

Or Rayna ends up letting Juliette buy in 50/50?

So spot on. Whenever I mention my love of Survivor, people pretty much laugh in my face. My fiance made me start watching with Heroes v. Villains when we first started dating and I've been hooked since. We made my sister and her husband watch one episode of Survivor: Philippines last year and that's all it took for

Alas, so did I, and was pleased it looked like that's where the story was going.

"Aylee the Many-Braided" - lolz. Aylee, my dear, you were the weakest link; good-bye.

I THINK Genevieve was saying that's the route they'll have to take with the series? Or I missed something on the show too; I saw no indication (yet) that Nostradamus is wrong about Francis' fate.

I think she even said "she's a stunner," which was very nice

If Myrtle can come back from being a charred husk, I'm guessing Misty can fix a head wound.

The show is most definitely better, though the movie is no slouch.

I think I agree with every one of your points on the last 2 episodes. Well said!

Great point - maybe he did, once he realized the town was cursed? He would do different things every day (like find Emma, move toward figuring out how to break the curse), but everyone else repeated themselves (until Emma arrived, that is). Or it's just a terrible continuity hole.

So true, so true.

I think I'm enjoying Wonderland more than Orig OUaT right now, and it's all because of the purpose with which Wonderland is telling its story right now. Everything is there for a reason, and I really appreciate it. Also, "magic" seems to be more consistent over there, which I always appreciate.

Emma even had a line like "I can't use my gun on Pan, he's in Henry's body!" and I was just like, "Well then keep him in Pan's body, DUH!"

Beautiful! Thanks for posting that

Anna Kendrick in all the things! She's great. If Wicked ever happens and they want a younger cast - I want her as Galinda.