olive snook

This is the 2nd time I've said something like this on the AV Club this week, but Chris Messina dancing to Aaliyah is one of those things I didn't know I needed until it was in front of me.

Sounds about right for Jared.

Wayne Brady as Robin Sparkles is one of those things I didn't know I needed to see in my life until it was there.

That's how I took it, too! I appreciated that they didn't underline it and set it off in flashing lights.

Yes! Worthwhile flashbacks are definitely the key difference.

Agreed, the show wanted us to think Regina was horrible (she was, after all, the Evil Queen) for most of season 1. Seasons 2-3, we've had a lot of swing back and forth, mainly between Henry's "my mom is the evil queen! save us from her!" to "don't hurt my mom!"

I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would, based on the pilot. The green-screening is still atrocious, but Alice and the Knave are delightful, and I've been digging the Red Queen more and more as they filled in her backstory. Cyrus is still pretty meh. I liked the brief glimpse of the carpenter last episode,

Except poor Pongo! Who has lost his puppies (and wife) once again, and hasn't even gained sentience in the exchange!

Oh, fair, I didn't even see it in the credits so didn't know it was under the guest star heading, I was just explaining to Eyeballman, who seems to be wondering why the name is still there, that it was just for this week because his voice "appeared."

OK thanks

I forgot that they never explained who actually died there. RIP, nameless Storybrooke Resident!

I think that was just because he lent his voice to this episode, I don't think his name is there every week.

"Does an adoption agency blindly give a baby to somebody who lives in a town that doesn't exist?"

Pan's Shadow, Magic, you know…

OUaT Tinkerbell is DEFINITELY lacking in the sass department.

Pretty good choices!

Yes to all of this.

Yea, they essentially apologized and told her she should do this other show cause they'll continue to under use her, so she took it. I miss Ruby.

Per the PREVIEWS (PREVIEW SPOILERS, IF ONE IS SENSITIVE TO THAT): Robbie Kay will be let out of that box next week, and try to convince Emma he's really Henry, so we'll at least get more Kay as Henry.

very fuzzy. I'm not even sure he knew it was happening until it did, either.