olive snook

Jared knows it better than most, being one of 3 Bobby Drapers over the course of Mad Men's run.

I vaguely remember something about Rumple not "waking up" until Emma got there. When the clock started ticking again, so did Rumple's awareness, but I have no proof to back that up.

Just that one brief scene with Jared Gilmore as "Pan" had me cringing away from the screen. On the other hand, I do look forward to Robbie Kay as Henry. Wouldn't it be hysterical if they made the switch permanent?!

This was a great episode. Nice to see Mindy and Peter enjoying each other's company (and Adam Pally in a 3-piece suit? damn!). Josh is a reliably funny recurring character, and I hope he pops up again in the future.

My fiance is convinced "Brian" broke off from Pete/Martinez/Mitch and swung back around and killed that camp to show Pete/Martinez/Mitch they're not doing it right - but where would he have hidden the supplies?

I love what Ray Romano has done with Hank. I had no idea he had this in him. It's a fabulous character.

They need to stop making me hate Francis so much. Stupid weasel face.

Agree that this needed to be a two-parter, especially if they wanted the PR consultant storyline and Danny hooking up with her to breath at all. It would have also been funnier if we waited 2 episodes for Whitfield to arrive, all of that time Peter claiming he knows him and he can help, and THEN we get the reveal

I think I'd also be ok with Mary calling for Olivia's head. B*tch better step off!

I love your analysis. I think it captures why I don't consider this show a rip-off of Mad Men or even a show living in its shadow. Other than similar time periods and slow-moving narrative arcs, the two shows feel so different to me.

Thanks, Obama!

And if you search a show, the results are not in chronological order. For example: I am behind on Hello Ladies and wanted to read the review for Long Beach, episode 6. After searching "Hello Ladies," and the results came up, I had to scroll down to find the right review. They were all out of order. I then tried

it even gets down to one letter sometimes. no joke.

I saw the comment last week discussing if her name (Anastasia) was a hint at her background. After meeting her mother, who says things about failing at becoming a princess, I'm pretty convinced she is Cinderella's stepsister. Where's Drizella, I wonder?! One of the stepsisters is supposed to be more sympathetic

I assumed it was her father as well.

I'm just catching up on the show and watched this episode last night - the image of the single tear down his face is still eating at me. Who knew Nick Swardson could pull off such a heart-breaking scene. Wow.

I agree, it was a very well done case of the week.

Also: Mike from Twilight! And one of the best parts of that cast, along with Anna Kendricks (admittedly, not hard to do).

Which is infinitely more fun!

I most definitely prefer that over anything related to Quinn! I actually like Harrison, even though he's not even really a character. I've hated Quinn since the pilot.