olive snook

I have had this exact conversation with people. It sneaks up on you. You go to explain it, and then you're like "ya know, that thing, that circle, with the line, like for no smoking?" <—- maybe that should be its official name.

I hope FNL gets referenced for decades and people who have never seen it have to keep saying, "what's that from?" and their friends in the know will say, "oh you've GOT to watch this show, here are the [DVDs/Netflix/future technology I cannot even fathom]," and the wonders of FNL will be passed on through the

I loved this episode. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying Glenn Howerton on this show. He seems far less shoe-horned in than past guest stars (FRANCO), like a more natural extension of the universe in which Mindy and the rest live.

Honestly, I like Jeremy too. I think he and Danny have great chemistry, they just haven't figured out how to use him yet this season. I'm not saying that's not a problem, cause it is, but I also don't think he needs to be written out over it.

Do you not watch Always Sunny? That's Glenn Howerton aka Dennis.

Agreed, Peter and Morgan make a great comedic team.

Yea I guess I don't need him as a regular or even as a recurring, but building a universe that includes James Frain dropping in and the Free Masons helping out every once in a while - that makes some sense to me.

Agreed. My fiance isn't as conventionally "hot" as my college bf was, for example, but that doesn't stop him from being the love of my life.

I know this will get buried, but I still wanted to say, Donna, you captured beautifully the emotions and incredible way the episode unfolded. Well said, I couldn't agree more, particularly with this:

I'm going with it not be worthing it, though I'll be sticking with TV Club's recaps. I don't think I can take assaulting my eyeballs and ears with the actual show.

I'm also thinking James Frain was not one of the Masons beheaded, and so he's out there still and will come back, hopefully to join Sleepy Hollow's "Scooby Gang," alongside John Noble and the sister.

"espoused to another" was my favorite of the night.

Yea, that.

My guess: after Pan's Shadow took Bae, it eventually came back and took the Darling children. They had their adventure, but then Pan allowed them to return. Then, for unknown reasons, he decided to re-take Wendy, which is why she still looks exactly the same, or maybe he never let her return but dumped the brother

Ah, very clever. Should have realized that myself.

Well laid out, I most certainly agree with you. I think the show has done a fine job of differentiating Nick from the Grimm of the past, hammering home time and again that Wesen aren't "good" or "evil" based on their species alone.

I also noticed that the Bash/Lola development seems to be moving away from a possible Bash/Mary/Francis love triangle. I think I'm ok with that, as long as I get lots of Bash being sexy and some character-development for the other girls so I can root for them too. I am really digging Francis & Mary together already

Yea that little nod to real history re Francis's appearance and health was cute. Like, "we know we're abusing historical accuracy here, ok? But what if it really IS a painter's fault?!? [WINK]"

I'm annoyed at the writers for getting in a good Ruby line after they ignored her character so long she left the show. But it really was funny.

I second the audible "Isn't it neat?" I couldn't help myself. This show is so goofy.