olive snook

Ah I missed the teddy bear, that was moderately clever. No good ideas for the Minnesota plate.

It's defnitely Christian Slater. Took me most of this episode to finally place it. And now that's all I hear.

Um, I want this. I do not care what that says about me.

Yea I thought The Cape was a weird reference for James Frain, as he's been popping up in tons of genre TV in the last couple of years, and is still on Grimm.

I hope so, cause that's pretty good. IN-LAWYERED.

I unapologetically burst into tears. I wasn't expecting the proposal or my very emotion reaction to it. Well played, HIMYM.

OH I agree completely. I am all-in on Reign, and Secret Circle took most of its season to get there. I was responding to the fact that The CW does sometimes cancel its shows

A Knight's Tale is a great comparison point. Good call.

Really?? I don't see a resemblance. Are they half-brothers?

Ditto on everything you said. I don't even care, I am having so much fun watching this show!

Counterpoint: Secret Circle, which was just getting good…

She would so hold her own in Westeros.

I hate her plan too, though I doubt it will come to fruition anyway. She needs to expose the Graysons for their involvement with the initiative and the plane and how they framed her father. I realize she's seeking revenge, but isn't she also trying to clear her father's name? I think that's gotten a little lost in

dang, i'd already forgotten about that flashforward. thanks for the reminder.

I think @Revolver is responding to the idea that the revenge will go smoothly and Emily will really bring the Graysons down on her wedding day. I sincerely doubt any of that will happen as planned.

I'm pretty sure it's "Pig Newton."

Well done.

Such a great observation. I completely agree that this episode (and many before this) was driven by "let's see what they do with Ariel!"

I noticed Charming's because it was the best he's looked. Snow's was much too short, that really is a terrible haircut on her.

The "amateur hour" line was so great. Regina snapping Rumple out of his circular wallowing was excellent.