olive snook

Yea Desmond was his character's name on LOST. @bdawgxl used the name above so I followed suit.

I think I read it's exclusive on Netflix for 6 months, then he'll have it up on the website.

Aziz will also have it on his website to download for $5 in 6 months.

Very true. And don't get me wrong, I definitely prefer the smaller fan base as well, I'm just honestly so surprised with Scandal in particular because "THE INTERNET" loves this show…just strangely not here.

Oh ya, been there before with other actors. I never watched Weeds, so I don't have any insight for you on Huck, unfortunately.

WHOA. Make this happen, everyone involved! I want Mrs. Coach as a member of Coven immediately.

Right? I don't think I've ever seen that side of Kudrow.

"As a romantic, I believe in love that makes people better, where 1+1= 5. But Olivia and Fitz are 1+1= -23."

AGREED! I like Harrison, I actually WANT more of him as a character. Quinn has been the worst since her very first appearance. Like you said, Desmond was just THERE, Quinn actively retracts from scenes.

I actually completely bought it too, so guess there are 2 idiots out there! I mean, it was self-serving as anything, but I think she believes in Fitz as president and wants to figure out where she can fit in to a 2nd-term administration beyond First Lady.

Is it possibly she's eyeing Veep? That would be something.

Quinn looking at the gun case: me, audibly, "NOPE!"

So agree with your post.

Agreed - Olivia is addicted to Fitz. I think Fitz may really love her but he loves himself more.

First pointer: watch season 2. It's so much fun. I think that'll endear you to Olivia more, and certainly make Abby less annoying and Huck a well-developed and heart-breaking character. Quinn is still the worst. Harrison is still a mystery. Fitz is impossible to root for (in my opinion), and while I agree with

Random side thought: I can't believe this show doesn't get more comments on AV Club. It's so buzzy and crazy, it demands being talked about. Contrast to AHS which gets 400 comments almost immediately.

This always baffles me, because if you watch online, there is no way to skip the commercials, you're forced to watch them all. But if you watch on your TV and have DVR, you can fast-forward, so why would a network delay making the show available online? I can't comprehend it. Also, why they don't have whole seasons

@avclub-27e1eee8fb2f7bb4c5fb170ecb4705a0:disqus and @avclub-aa8199204bbd84f584fe5957410e9e71:disqus exactly, so that's why it's weird that Delphine was fearing for her life and thanking Queenie for saving it. I was agreeing with you @Acid Ghost, that it made zero sense.

Immediately thought of The Initiative and I am very apprehensive…

I couldn't take my eyes off of her hair! It was incredible.