olive snook

{ Zoe can't find Kyle amongst the trick or treaters }

And that somehow because Madison is not the next supreme, it meant that Fiona didn't kill Madison or the earlier supreme. Logic!

I wondered the exact same thing. My fiance offered up that maybe it's like LOtR elves - they're "immortal" unless killed. I countered with "and being buried alive for a century wouldn't kill her?" He didn't have a good answer. Similarly, if the manataur was also made immortal, does chopping off his head actually

Sue definitely dressed up for the HECK of it, har har har :)

Agreed on both counts. The whole family helping out Brick was such a great scene, with each of their respective personalities perfectly coming through in their suggestions

An epic kickingitteenstyle.com reference, Weird Ashley sighting, A Sue-ance, the whole family helping Brick ask a girl to the Halloween dance - well done, Halloween IV!

There might have been some other spearing (I'm sorry) happening as well, but I'm pretty sure she almost died due to the stomach wound.

I think WE in the audience can see Vytas oozing with condescension, but we have the benefit of his confessionals where he admits he's playing them. I think the ladies are eating up every single thing he says and taking it at face value. That's why he's still there.

Exactly. Like you said: thin ice, Vytas!

"Instead, I’ve seen too much of this show, and it’s just another goddamn thing that happened on it."

I'd be happy if they just stopped using Papyrus as the font. (I admit, I'm a typography snob!)

You articulated that extremely well, and I completely agree. They made Juliette a veterinarian for a reason (at least I am going to assume so), and just as it looked in season 1 that they were going to use her skills with animals to help Nick with his Grimm duties (however unaware she was), they veered off course

Exactly, they're more adversaries, after the same prey, than anything else I'd say.

haha, SAME!

Yea I loved the episode but I had 2 big problems: (1) that Peter was the reason Alicia got ChumHum, and not because of something she did; and (2) Peter's "Lean In" comment, which came off as really anti-feminism. I guess I just wish she'd leave Peter for good, I don't like the guy.

Agreed, Sheriff Graham's characterization was well-executed. I still haven't forgiven them for killing him off. And it just twists the knife further that he was just cast as Christian Grey. Horrifying career turn.

I'm sure they had a couple of laughs about it while filming the scene, but I agree - the writers probably didn't include it just because Claire Danes was in a Romeo + Juliet movie. It was a pretty relevant reference to what was going on with Dana and Leo.

When I heard "leftenant" I got way too excited. I already miss Sleepy Hollow and we still have 2 weeks (I believe?) until we get a new episode.

Yea and having Snow be involved in the Ariel flashbacks for next week does not bode well for the whole "moving forward" thing.

In fairness to the flying ship, fairy dust does allow the Jolly Roger to fly, at least in the Disney version. This was actually one of the more believable elements of "Cause Magic" I've seen on the show, due to its precedence.