olive snook


Agreed re Hank, I was really annoyed at him for butting in. He should be able to understand the issue here.

Well said.

Except what middle school yearbook wants a picture of "girl grieving her pet dog" in it? The yearbook teacher or coordinator or whatever even made that point - these kids don't want a photograph that could win a photojournalism award, they want to know who won best smile. It is what it is.

I agree that I don't think Kristina thought it was as "unfair" as Max did. She was upset, but I think she understood why they were holding their ground. It didn't make it any easier for her to explain to Max, but I didn't see her in a "how dare they!" place.

The scene really felt like they were wrapping it up, Sarah was getting on board… and then the promos happened.

I'm still mad and confused about how they handled that whole thing. And we never got to see the other shoe drop. Boooo.

I enjoyed The Red Queen for the first time tonight.

Have to disagree, the backgrounds are so bad they draw the eye to them. It's not a me problem, it's a show problem.

This is so accurate. And embarrassing.

Exactly. He's saying "This guy will still marry you even though I banged you repeatedly first. Everyone good with that?" It won't end well.

I am unapologetically enjoying this show, despite it's loose resemblance to actual history.

If true, I haven't seen it yet!

Yea I like them, I would have liked to see how they played the actual game.

Now starring as a recurring character on Pretty Little Liars under a new name!

Katie making it to the final 4 on her mom's shoestrings is disappointing though.

Same here: HvV was my introduction to Tyson, and he was meh, whatever there (I don't even really remember his game). These last few episodes? Ohhhh boy, becoming a new favorite!

I'm replying to concur and to help the cause!

That's probably true. Not to sound too hipstery, but I love that the show has this small pocket of fans that adore it

I said this in my other post, but I thought the Chicago conversation was a really interesting look at what could have been, what different kinds of people want out of life, and how ignoring "The Middle" (of the country, not the show) or relegating them to "flyover country" means you miss out on understanding how…