olive snook

It was so fun to see her like that, I agree! Every once in awhile, at least?!

I love this show, I love this episode, I love this review. Such a great summary of why this show is fantastic and deserves more recognition.

Barely! All she seems to do is make facial expressions at Morgan these days. This episode she reacted to him having a crush on Tamra with disappointment, so I guess we're headed toward a Betsy-Morgan relationship of some sort.

The school shooting scene was one of the worst things (not because it was handled poorly, but because it was so upsetting) I've ever watched in any TV show or movie. Legitimately chilling and haunting.

It is?! That's very good news!

True - she'd "know" she was the supreme, based on the 1971 flashback, right? Interesting…

I refuse to believe she's staying dead. She's the next supreme - is she even killable?! Plus: Misty Day exists.

I would love her on AHS! Witches of Eastwick was almost as batshit crazy as AHS, so there's precedent…

I actually did a double-take to make sure it WASN'T somehow a young Michelle Pfeiffer, ala Grease 2, especially when she had the black leather jacket on in the pool hall.

The Chicago store most definitely has a tea room. I'm sorry.

Great point.

Yea that kinda came out of nowhere (or did she have a thing for him way back when they all spent a holiday with her family?), but I like it.

I enjoy Ed Weeks and him and Danny at driver's ed is still one of my favorite story lines from this show, but I agree it feels a little overstuffed with him and Pally. Or more like - we know more about Peter now than we do after more than a year with Jeremy. They've got to figure out how to make both feel necessary.

I think you're thinking of Betsy. I think Beverly (old lady) is a nurse.

This is the first time I found Tamra as a character even remotely funny, and I'm still on the fence about her, but this is promising. I'm surprised our new guest(?) reviewer is so all in for her.

I agree she could, it's just a natural progression based on her character in Avengers and it's solid work with a budget and the network behind it.

I'd managed to block both this and the ep @avclub-97d6c074b974838257db17a02f8784c4:disqus named from my memory of this show. Dark times, indeed.

I'm waiting for her to be cast in season 2 of Agents of SHIELD as soon as HIMYM wraps. I realize that doesn't necessarily put her in any movie other than possibly Avengers 2, but it's a start

Ugh, that was me. I had it first period. The worst part was because most people got to school like 20-30 minutes before classes started to hang out, I'd have to get fully ready for school because I'd see everyone, just to then destroy it all in swim class and have to start over. Of course I could have come in

Same experience both with take your child to work day and with swimming unit freshman year. Definitely kept our swimsuits on. They gave us maybe 15-20 minutes to shower and change at the end of class, which, as a girl, was brutal. I basically had wet hair in a gross bun for 10 weeks straight.