olive snook

I had a blast watching this show. That's enough for me to keep watching as of now.

But there's no classic Rumpel movie like there is with the non-Disney Anastasia

Agreed, I thought this was a well-done episode on both the character development side and the action side.

Happened to notice that too. Hate that it makes you wonder how much is edited.

Exactly! That was the strangest part.

What is his beef with her, gees

I was too - the question was clumsy and abrupt and rude. How is she any less worthy of being there than any of the other loved ones? Because Rupert switched with her? So what? She's been helping out at camp ever since and trying hard at challenges, even if she's not very good at him. I was offended for her.

Oh wow, that is a dark and sad ending for Fred!! Thanks for filling me in.

Exactly what I was thinking!

I have absolutely cried in public while reading and rereading The Deathly Hallows. It is awkward but impossible to avoid!

He first came to my notice on Drop Dead Diva as well! I quit that show in the middle of season 2 - how did they write him out? But I second your "he needs a leading role now!" request. Love him.

I'm so frustrated with the break because October is the perfect time to watch this show. And because I do not care about baseball. And because this is how you ruin a ratings hit: take it off the air for 3 weeks just as it's getting going.

That's what I am thinking as well. She traded her soul to Moloch, or the ability to get into heaven…something like that.

I hear ya. Franco's appearance kicking off the season is a perfect example of that. Why was he there? What did he add?

Ditto, he's been so great so far.

This is up there as one of the best Mindy Project episodes yet. I agree that the flow from "this is the newspaper my date works for" to "this newspaper is also advertising Christina's photography exhibit" is one of the most natural progressions this show has done. Some other thoughts:

I need help reacting to this. On the one hand, I appreciate that this talent is coming together again. On the other hand, Hit List was a gd mess, and also, why? and why now? Who is paying for this? WIll the performances raise money for a charity or something? If not, again, why?

But the "in love with that other dude" still leaves the awkwardness out there. This was tough to get through.

Yea and what a weird venue to call out Tyrese for having a crappy career. That's gotta sting.

I guess if you get enough tweets, you can't ignore them forever. Toward the end of last season it got kind of intense when the writers did in fact say "never" and the Swan Queen fandom were furious. It didn't end well.