olive snook

OMG my mind so did not go there, but lolz.

I cannot see how the label "procedural" fits these first 3 episodes of the show at all. Almost every element has been an ongoing, slowly-developing story, whether it be Libby's pregnancy or starting up the study or Virginia trying to find her way as a single mother. The quadruplets was the only "case of the week,"

Agreed. And I think I also disagree with how the reviewer feels about the show so far. I am enthralled.

Hahaha sadly you're not wrong about any of this (including the horrifying CGI of OUaT in Wonderland, which were a joke).

Was this before the curse was broken in Storybrooke?

Well done!

I'd include Scandal, The Middle and Suburgatory on ABC's list of "good" shows. Revenge is incredibly boring and dumb these days and Nashville failed to become what it could have been.

I didn't like John Lithgow's voice paired with this character, unfortunately. It didn't fit

Yea I have the same questions re why is this a show. The original concept way back after Jefferson (OUaT's Mad Hatter) was first introduced and became a fan favorite was that it would be a spin-off about his time in Wonderland and jumping back and forth between the worlds on Regina's bidding. They'd then be able to

I liked Alice and the Knave's chemistry, I'm guessing they're cooking up a love triangle there.

These were worse than anything OUaT has ever aired - except, ironically, the Wonderland episode, so it's almost like it's a deliberate choice to make it look completely fake - and the show really suffers because of it. Totally lifts me out of the story.

How was Robin Hood's life ruined? Because if he'd met Regina he never would have had to deal with his wife dying? He still presumably loved that wife (Maid Marian) and wouldn't change his time with her even if it meant he would lose her in the future. Plus his kid was pretty adorable and loving. Presumably he

I remembered hearing that JoAnna was cast on the show, which made Rose's resemblance to her extremely confusing (I spent a lot of time going, wait…IS that her?!)

My problem with Storybrooke has always been how townspeople seem to disappear for weeks (or whole seasons) on end because they can't pay for them all to be recurring characters. It cuts into any "realism" you could hope to obtain on this show that no one has involved Cinderella and her prince in anything that's

Especially incorrect stray observations.

Aurora, Mulan, Prince Phillip would also be a nice fill-in.

You JUST realized Hook is channeling Jack Sparrow?!

Aurora is suddenly a red head, which definitely threw me off

agreed - best of season 3 at least

Did the second season mention Amanda Tanner once?  I don't recall if so - it's like they forgot that happened.  I agree, her name could have been helpful here