olive snook

Well said on all points, and I especially like your analysis on Huck-Olivia-Eli.  The parking garage scene was SO devastating, I don't know how the characters can totally come back from that.

Regarding the name on the pen - the pen didn't say "B6:13," it said ACME something, which matched the name on the building on Wonderland Avenue.  I consider it all part of B6:13's cover that they would have logo pens pretending to be some company operating out of that space.  Only someone who heard that B6:13 was

I'm with you - I also binge-watched seasons 1&2 this summer, and more than once Fitz got super creepy/rapey/possessive with Olivia.  I guess I don't totally hate him, but Olivia can do better.

If they rule it a brain aneurysm, like the boyfriend, then yea.

Thanks so much responding, I had no idea and I appreciate the insight

Oh interesting, thanks.

Well at least one of them has had a little medical help to "defy gravity."

My now-fiance and I started dating a few months before Heroes vs. Villains.  He wouldn't shut up about how great the show was, and I didn't believe him.  We decided to make a trade: i'd watch Survivor if he'd watch the final season of LOST.  I think I came out on top there.  I am now in love with the show, and we

@avclub-499e67d4cd06284f915b191db84224ba:disqus I agree - Brad broke the alliance too early, which meant that nobody could trust that they wouldn't be next.

Can we talk about his accent when he says that line?  Why does he sound like he's from Southie??

I disagree re the suffocation - that can easily look like murder, which is not what she was going for.  Using her death vagina makes it look like he died of natural causes.  Awful natural causes, but still.  It's all about staying under the radar right now.

Maybe if SHE does it, then it does't hurt her, but if others inflict pain, she does feel it.  I'm guessing we'll find out…

I love their chemistry, especially now that Evan Peters isn't creeping me the f out as Tate.  Though that they change based on Madison's "make the perfect boyfriend" plan coming up.

@avclub-6307a12d5c9e2fb5f23518a9a0ee8dd1:disqus totally agree.

I was wondering why closed captioning was spelling it such a weird way and I just got the joke - cause he's cat and covered in FUR he is FURguson not Ferguson.  Precious.

I started turning the closed captioning on for this show because I was missing so much and/or rewinding to hear all the jokes.  It's super helpful

At first I was too, and then that train of thought got lost in the resulting craziness.  Would have been a funny twist at the end.  Ah well.

@deliciousmalk:disqus line of the night for me!

I loved everything about Winston's final speech to the other 3, and this line in particular.

It really is incredible how much they look alike.