olive snook

"Dandelion: the spores-car of tomorrow!"

I did wonder that myself…

Agreed on all points.

@avclub-27ced4dc5a34009e784754600bcd5017:disqus the Hessians in this episode were human, right?  I'm guessing that means there have been generations of them hanging out in Sleepy Hollow, training the next generation for this moment.  These guys just happen to be the ones alive when it all lines up, and when they knew

Agree on Betsy, especially when Tamra was given some more terrible lines that made no sense.

I love Adam Pally, so I'm laughing at him even though his character is kind of terrible so far.  I agree that Danny hating him makes it so much better.

HA I didn't recognize it either and was wondering the same, but I thought that song was perfect for Mindy's wallowing over Casey.

I like where you went with that, but I don't think that's what Morgan was doing - I think that is actually what has happened to Morgan re his past relationships.

I agree that Casey didn't leave much of an impression on US, the viewers at home, but Mindy was engaged to him and obviously felt real love for him, and there was a whole year of their relationship in Haiti that we didn't see, so I totally bought that she'd be this devastated over the break-up.  That really didn't

True, but Zac is the best, so it evens out.

Hope so!  It was definitely a disappointment to not see her tonight.

me too!  I was so disappointed that's not where that went.

Ah, thank you.

I think it has to do with their unyielding definition of "good" - I hated that we were supposed to be upset at Mary Margaret for killing Cora when Cora was in the middle of attempting to murder everyone.  Sometimes good people (law enforcement comes to mind) have to shoot to kill, if you will.  It doesn't make those

They tried that last year with Mary Margaret and her dark spot on her heart - it got tedious FAST.

Your husband is wise indeed.

Nah it was that if a shepherd WERE to employ a fake sword-in-the-stone trick, it would be made of wool because, ya know, shepherds herd sheep.  It was dumb joke.

OMG I missed the Rufio reference, I'm so sad!  When was it?

(2) got a big laugh out of me.  More snarky Regina, please!

We've already got Lancelot!  I wouldn't mind seeing more of his story, he was good, even if he was Cora in disguise