olive snook

That's EXACTLY how I took Jeff's comments.  No way he wanted him back, but the powers that be overruled even his considerable power over this show.

@avclub-60834bec2156664276da2026a904fc81:disqus yes the best part of Colton leaving was Jeff just tearing him to pieces and his tribe's reasoned, well-spoken responses to each of Colton's whiny complaints.  Total shutdown.  If the One Worlders had been as strong-willed as the Veterans this season, "Colton" could never

I'm still mad at the returnees for not voting him out in that first, impromptu vote.  I hope the producers didn't tell them not to, or some manipulation like that, to keep him around for a bit.

@avclub-22917e9547a39fad4966a8da3067b595:disqus I am also loving her line readings!  They draw you in effortlessly.  Like @Bitenuker:disqus said below: very Kerry Washington/Olivia Pope-esque.

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus thanks for the run-down - I have definitely heard of Kingdom Hearts (I must admit to following Disney-appreciation blogs on tumblr!), but not being big into video games, I never took the step to look into it further.  Definitely sounds like something I'd be into if I DID

thank you kindly!  I wasn't fishing for it, but I do appreciate it :)

This is made weirder by the fact that - gasp - my real name is Diane.

So, so true.  Why have I seen every episode of both?!

@Kumagoro:disqus well snarked!

Aw you didn't like Pan?  I thought he played the switch pretty well.

@avclub-7b1955c0927ae649958ccb84769fcaa9:disqus much appreciated!

YES :(

OK so I wasn't misremembering, they did recast.

Totally agree - they're doing that right, at least.

Good call!

The Cora arc was indeed the best stuff this show has ever done.  Here's hoping Neverland and Pan inspires them similarly!

Oh, good call that the mermaid had something to do with the fighting.  I was pretty confused as to why Hook and Charming were suddenly beating on each other.  I accept that explanation.

Exactly, Classic Mermaids.

Ditto - that's become a pretty common angle on mermaids, done most recently in Pirates IV: Johnny Depp needs more eyeliner.

Yea I kinda dug that acknowledgment.