olive snook

Agreed - and they may be leading to a point where, if your shadow has been stripped from you, you're this sort of evil-entity thing, like Pan is now, but when your shadow is reunited with your body, you're a whole person, balanced, good/evil in check, etc.  Something happened to Pan to have his separated, and the

So true…so true.

Speaking of Mula/Aurora/Phillip - I can't remember how they got Phillip back from the wraith last season.  Anyone able to refresh my memory?!

wow, they're the same age?  that's kinda incredible.  agreed, that could have been him.  I watched some gag reel or something like that of Knocked Up once years ago, and David was in it talking about how he passed on being in the movie because he was cast in a Woody Allen movie that subsequently did not happen.  The

Agreed, I loved how he played that.

Agreed - would he really be that oblivious to this being such a BIG MOMENT for himself and his family?

welp, I cried pretty hard at the end of this episode. The Middle is so good at unexpected feels.

don't forget his role in the completely terrible Stepford Wives remake!

No judgment, as I watched that show during the entirety of its run.  Yikes.

Sums it this show perfectly for me.

I was campaigning to anyone would listen (note: no one who had any decision-making power at all) that I wanted Whishaw as the Doctor SO badly. especially after The Hour was canceled.  He is such a delight, I want him in everything.

"Muscles that point to your penis" is my new favorite phrase.  I laughed a lot at this interview, it's great to get to know an actor like Ike better.  Mindy Project was the first thing I've seen him in.

Someone (Rachel?) even name-drops Katrina and inquires why Louis is making such a big deal about the new hire when he has her, which made her absence even stranger. It was a classic "we need the last moment of the season to be Louis looking thru those files and not seeing Mike's name, how can we write a story that

and Florida Stanley?

I guess he's never heard any of Franklin's hits either.

I laughed harder at this than New Girl's premiere, so I'd say that's something worth acknowledging!

At first I just thought he had a really bunchy sweater on.  They needed some facial alteration to sell it or something.  You're right that it's probably a budget issue though.

No way that holds up for The Following

Absolutely - I now force myself to find him in every scene, because even when not the focus, he is doing something that will make me laugh.

Yup.  She is le worst.