olive snook

I rewound and rewatched Danny's flustered "those are notoriously unreliable!" defense of his browser history because it made me laugh SO hard.

Had the same feelings after watching the trailers the last few months.  This positive review is a huge surprise, and now I've already set the DVR.  Lose a bad genre show (Under the Dome), pick up one with potential in the same night?  Alright.

Her son almost died recently, she's still recovering.

Oh yea, he is.  Well good for him.  It's unfortunate it's a CBS show.  I could see him doing well in an FX drama.

ohhh I heard "Mother" I think.

Couldn't agree more with everything you wrote.  I hated every choice they made for the characters in this episode, particularly Louis (though I liked his banter with Katrina, and I do believe she is genuine - she seems to like working with him and respects him).

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus oh interesting, thanks

Not that this makes it any better, but didn't Andre say "MOM?!" when he realized it was Taco in the video??  Maybe I heard wrong.  I hope so.

I've been wondering where she was in the latter half of the season, I figured she just must have other commitments - she didn't leave entirely, did she?!?!  :(

Well reasoned, and all entirely possible.

I picked up the same thing regarding Jasmine and Aaron's partnership - I started to wonder if they didn't really like each other after neither of them mentioning it last week, but their picks tonight kinda cemented that something must have been up.  Really weird to see such a dynamic partnership disappear so abruptly


Man, really?  I don't know where Jasmine could have made her case better.  Aaron, on the other hand, I see how he lost it.  After his shoulder injury, there was never quite the polish that he had before and when he was partnered with Jasmine.

Have you seen all of the Australian version?  If so, does it give a definitive answer on who Wilfred is and why Ryan sees him as a man in a dog suit?  I don't need to know the answer, just wondering if the original ultimately dealt with those issues.

After the episode ended, I asked my fiance, "did they just LOST us?!" so I'm right there with you on the skepticism, but I am far from done with the show.  My expectations are a little lower because Wilfred airs during the summer, but I just enjoy it, even when it's not making total sense or forgets the mythology it

I can't believe Josh Holloway is in that movie.  What is his career doing?!

Well said.  I was also cheering for Sasha and Jasmine over Melanie and Amy, but they are all incredibly talented, beautiful dancers.

YAY SEASON 11!!!  Nigel's announcement made me way too happy.

Really thought Jasmine would pull it out too and am decidedly bummed she did not.

@avclub-97a0b256b73505382d3bbd1eac096563:disqus I had recurring nightmares for MONTHS because of Ernest Scared Stupid.  I would check every night to make sure no troll was hiding under my bed, then convince myself it was standing on the other side and I'd panic myself so completely I couldn't fall asleep.  It was fun.