olive snook

This list is so great.


But here are my friends' severed heads first!

agreed!  I had no problem with the show's depiction.

I'm pretty bummed/confused by the Daario recast.  He had the right swagger for the part, and I personally found him quite attractive, in that dirty, "I can't believe I want to bone him right here on this table but I totally do" way - which was perfect for Daario.  I'd heard the actor had legal/possible drug/gang

@berkowit28:disqus right before Don tells them about Petraeus, Charlie says something like "that's fine, as long as it isn't about the armed forces."  And then of course both pieces of information were.  It was an irony thing.  He doesn't think it's fake news, he just can't believe that the breaking news they've been

Ya know, this didn't cross my mind.  But I would put down money that you're right.

I laughed harder at the Petraeus reveal, and Charlie's reaction, than anything else on this show to date.  I agree with others in this thread who say the problem with the comedy is that the show is so tonally-conflicted that the laughs are harder to accept, but this one really landed for me.

Rafi is almost never a miss for me.  Best part of the show.

Exactly - and how about the one Charlotte now has?  Should be interesting.

Would I suspect that this guy who I have known for months (a couple of years?) as my boss, who I am now falling in love with, is actually a deranged killer who is abducting my daughters and me?  I'm not sure I would.  Yes, when the remodeled cabin has no furniture and is actually a pile of shit, I would have some

Yea I would have enjoyed it if the crash had knocked Tate out - why does that never happen?  He can't predict where debris falls and what the impact will do to his own body.

If the playground scene had happened a few episodes ago, I agree it would have been a more powerful and "holy f!" reveal that he was really David Tate.  The pieces would have clicked in place better for us, we would have been more invested in his story, etc.

Definitely missed Frye/Adriana.

Oh sweet jesus, I didn't realize it was him until now either.  Thanks, all!

I agree, it's pretty weird and creepy.  I'm waiting to see how it ties in to Sonya and Marco before fully dismissing it.

Regarding Aaron and the skirt: I was also surprised that it was blamed entirely on him.  Yea it was a bummer, but who says it wasn't because Jasmine put it on wrong or the costume department didn't sew it quite right?  I didn't get that either.  Same with missing Melanie's hand (was that 2 weeks ago now?).  Why wasn't

Ah you're right, we definitely usually do agree way more regarding this show.  I'm as bummed as you are that I found so much of the performance finale disappointing (or at least lacking in some capacity).  We're still rooting for the same people (Jasmine and Aaron) to win though!

I so hope they didn't pair them together hoping for an early departure, but rather because their height and Aaron's strength necessitated the pairing.  What guy could have lifted Jasmine* all season with such ease, save Aaron and some all-stars?

@avclub-eb0475218e5099c48ebead8cdce41463:disqus I love that this is a show you can watch with your daughter, and you both get something great out of it!  Yay SYTYCD!