olive snook

I've also been wondering why murders that happened in some South? Latin? American country were being tried by New York County prosecutors, but then I reminded myself this show is on USA. It is what it is, I guess!

the "ask Rachel" response was brilliant

@avclub-5d546b1b257d62c86b63a948f21fab5c:disqus AMEN!  Couldn't have said it better myself.

Exactly!  She has tons of credibility as a dance judge, and she knows how to quickly be playful with the other judges and the contestants.  I always enjoy her on this show.


Fik-Shun is so versatile because he's not "untrained."  That's my problem with his narrative.

@disqus_pmXcFAvOxJ:disqus ditto!

I so agree with your analysis of last night's performances, Oliver, which leaves me pretty bummed out.

You didn't like the Dwight Dixon arc?  I always thought they were going some place great with that - linking Ned's and Chuck's dads to Dwight, the pocket watches, the possible source of Ned's power, etc.

Natalie Zea needs to get herself a new agent.  Classic Poe.

I, personally, had no problems with season 2! it was building into something incredible.

It really is a very satisfying ending.  Grateful for that!

Me either!  I only watched Wonderfalls after falling in love with Pushing Daisies, and then just NEEDING more Bryan Fuller in my life!

Just throwing this out there: Jaye looks like she's channeling Minnie Mouse in the cover photo.  It's all I can see.

Love your comments, and agree that the strange twists and turns of this episode were a great way to go out, showing my favorite use of the muses - the unexpected outcome.

Seconded!  Thanks so much, Les.

"Yea, I'm going to turn myself in.  The lesbian lawyer convinced me." <— I laugh every time.


Note, I did not actually calculate that.

Better than my thin explanation - maybe you have to touch it for a certain length of time before electrocution sets in?