olive snook

So agree with everything you wrote.

Honestly I'm most mad that you called Bunheads only a "halfway watchable show."  RIP Bunheads :(

I think next week is the "performance finale," we'll vote, then 2 weeks will be the winner announcement.  I could have sworn Cat said last Tuesday that last night was going to be the performance finale, but I either heard wrong, she was wrong, or Fox decided to give them an extra week.


Liked in particular for "(nope, still won't)"

He went to performing arts school?  Ugh, that is so far from untrained, that's laughable.  Calling him a street performer is insulting.

Heck yea!  Great piece, I agree entirely.  This show takes care of its own, and in a way that actually benefits the audience at home.  Can't say enough good things about it.

I laughed so hard at this scene too.  By the way, didn't Julia touch the mini-dome, and that's when she heard the monarch being crowned thing?  If she can touch it without being electrocuted, why couldn't radio station girl?

AMEN on your rant.

I agree with so much of this.

I love that they acknowledged that they gave poor Alex Bollywood (which he killed, btw).  Also loved his attitude toward it: an "I WILL CONQUER THIS DANCE THIS TIME!" sentiment.  I could keep gushing about Alex, but I'll control myself… this time!

Nigel's "we've been telling you this all season" was such a load of bs, I actually got angry.  NO you have not told Aaron about lowering his shoulders every week.  Maybe he did last week for the first time in the jive?  I can't even remember that though.  Ugh.  Annoying!

I don't mind a girl & guy winner at all, but you're right that if you then rank the 2 of them, the ladies have dominated all season, and Jasmine and Amy are both ahead of Aaron and Fik-Shun in talent.

Yes, thank you, show, for sparing us a scene of Barbie yelling, "WE WERE ON A BREAK!" at Julia, after Julia walks in on Max attempting to seduce Barbie once again.

It crossed my mind as well, but my fiance told me I was crazy for going there.  I think Big Jim would have asked if Max was his if he and "Agatha" had once slept together, but I still don't totally rule out this possibility.

Interesting analysis!  Twitter isn't always a good indicator of America's masses (see: Sharknado), but in this case I can see why there would be a correlation (tweens be tweetin' and votin'!).

I know, I was SO nervous after Nigel told Fik-Shun that he was glad that last week's performances decided who went to the finale, wrongly assuming that meant Aaron's lackluster Jive would send him home, and Fik-Shun and Paul on to the finale, but what a surprise that Paul was sent home.  I thought he was pretty

so many feels!

