olive snook

That is a weird coincidence, since those twins didn't even play Ben until the later seasons.  Just shows how specific those names are to that time period!

I always heard it the dirty way, but I like your interpretation better!

and the way they nod their heads all pleased and then slowly realize, wait…

ugh, you're lucky.  I watched more than my fair share of Single Guy episodes.  Part of that time where you just left NBC on from Friends through ER.

He was trying on the suit at the tailor, then put the clothes he came in wearing back on, and walked out of the store.  That's all.


I thought I was the only one.

I will never not DVR The Soup.  It's the best show to watch on a Saturday morning.

I don't think Marco heard he was the intended target.  I wonder if Sonya keeping that from him will be important.

I agree - the sex scenes on her side of the story feel like they're from a different show.  They're gross and weird, and dare I say, unnecessary?

Change that to "FX network channelS," or you'll lose the comedies to FXX ;)

True!  I'd forgotten that.  And his stated purpose for all this is the same as the Bridge Killer.

Exactly - he may be a red herring for the Beast, but he's still a killer that they now have in custody.  Far different from The Killing's first season red herrings.

I think there's a chance Marco traces the steps of Stokes' day and ends up at the orthodontist's office himself.  Either that or you're right and it was a meaningless epiphany.

I kind of love that they teased us with Stokes' revelation, only to have him die as he's trying to get it out.  A great "HOLY SHIT" moment.  I'm assuming Marco is going to try to track down what he could have figured out, figuring he was killed for what he knew, and he'll end up in front of that painting at the

I honestly did not see it coming, so well done.  The reveal that he was aiming for Marco was chilling; and that Stokes' death had nothing to do with his realization - I appreciate this side of the show.

So true.  So dumb.  I just caught up with this episode last night, so I've been reading a few of the reviews today because I haven't wasted enough time on this show, and over on Warming Glow they mentioned that perhaps Max is a construct of the dome - I'm not exactly sure what they mean by that, like a hallucination?

that would actually be more plausible than her hiding in someone's abandoned house for 8 days.

and Vampire Diaries, for that matter.

That made me aggressively angry.