olive snook

Agreed, I like Billy Burke as Miles.  The Cape is a disaster.

He was doing alright in the first few episodes I thought, but he just keeps fading into the background now…

She does not make for a very compelling villain.

They were both so awful, I can't choose one.

@avclub-b438f33d120fae67d78ea4cbe43de909:disqus really?  As a lawyer myself, I have no idea how that would be possible.  We have to pay an annual fee and essentially re-register, and we receive an attorney card every year stating our licenses are active, plus complete continuing legal education and submit it every 2

HA I told Courtney (through my TV): "NO, Romeo and Juliet is NOT the greatest love story ever!!!!!"

I saw that too and let out a little gasp.

Agreed on all counts, including my confusion over the elimination. "Saying goodbye…until next week" made it sound like a twist!

I love what you said about the importance of SYTYCD and its legacy.  Very well-stated, and I agree completely.

I'm not saying it's not a big deal, because it is, but the personal nature of it (the dean had to resign because it was his daughter who bought it) would warrant an appeal, and Mike "only" stole it, didn't sell it, which could allow for a second chance at the school with a failing grade for that class.  From the

Yes, I was disappointed last night wasn't a double-dance night, actually.  I agree that can really say a lot about what a dancer is truly capable of.  Also confused re the finale format.  While I appreciate them trying to find the best format, the constant changes mean I never know what's next, which is weird.

I can't believe I forgot to mention Cat's look last night: WHY did she do that to herself?!  Oh gosh, worst look yet.

true, the routine last night was so fun!

This show is great at little moments like that.

The whipped cream can grossed me out, but I'm fully in for Harvey-Donna end game - more for actual love than sexy times though.

I wasn't expecting to enjoy this episode as much as I did. I think it's because it was so fun to see Harvey smile and trade barbs with Donna, even if it was 10 years ago. He's been so busy yelling at everyone about loyalty this season that I forgot he knew how to be a little fun.

Louis nailed his 2 short scenes. So, so great. Poor guy.

Tucker and his dad really got me too.  True emotion, right there.

Man, I hated that opening number.  I also found it strange that Cat didn't mention why Aaron wasn't there (and we were missing Paul too, right?  Or did I miscount?)

@avclub-0527c4449619569cd565d724216aea04:disqus can't argue with that