olive snook

All great questions, to which I have no satisfactory answers.

I did too!  Missed opportunity.

RIP Bunheads :(

@eric827:disqus yes, let's get back to WHY Jason was seeing them, and why he collapsed that one time a few episodes into this season?!  wtf.  And I guess it's definitive that he did not become a were-panther himself.  Time is strangely slow on this show, so there was somehow a chance there was still no full moon since

I'm still not on board with Juliette, but I adore the rest of the cast, Sgt. Wu and all!

I know, her figure is just not meant for those dresses :(

TruBlood may also have a lesser dosage than what they gave Nora, so it takes longer to spread.  I don't know why I'm helping them justify their lazy writing.

yea, that was my first thought as well - what a strange coincidence.

Timothy Olyphant went into that in his Nerdist podcast back in Dec/Jan - 
SPOILERS for DEADWOOD (a show I still haven't watched, but now know this) - the kid who dies wasn't supposed to, but his mother was such a pain in the ass on set that David Milch decided to off him.  Should be great ammo for the kid in his teen

and Timberlake

@Juan_Carlo:disqus he was definitely on meth or heroine for awhile, and had some bad family issues with his father, so I wouldn't say he got out unscathed.

Definitely enjoyed these 2 hours more than I expected to as well. Fingers crossed!

it airs in the US on BBC America on Sarurdays tho, doesn't it? Must do ok business

I think he gives up Walt, and that's why Walt's on the run.  Walt goes back for the ricin cigarette because he needs to kill Jesse before he can testify against him.  That's my current theory…

ditto, this was far from subtle.

yup, completely terrible.

Yea there was something about ending his relationships "by going home the next morning," and I went what?  Who knew!

I kind of hate that they made Jerry an obvious villain by editing that footage.  The idea that they fire him for being the one to bring the story to them, blatantly scapegoating him, makes for a compelling legal case when he sues them for wrongful termination.  When he does something so obviously wrong and evil, well,

I like Caged Bird, but Cocktail Bunny is probably my #1, followed by Safety Canary.  Group hi-jinks!

They're obviously not direct because then what's the point of the show, but in trying for a deeper reason than that, I think it ties into what Les discussed in the review: why DOES Jaye listen?  why does she respond to them and take action when she doesn't do so in every other part of her life?  They are vague on