olive snook

This is a glorious hour of television.

yup, Patti's life took a really dark turn at the end of Doug.

Ditto.  She's a really interesting presence, and I'd like to get to know her better (how did she become a CO? being numero uno on what I'd like answered most).

Oh completely.  What I thought about her character in the first couple of episodes versus this moment, well shame on me for pulling a Piper.

I think I saw you comment something similar on The Bridge earlier today, and I meant to respond that that's not a bad idea.  I think a lot of the reviewers, in their finale reviews, discuss how the conclusion of the season may have changed or clarified their feelings about a season as a whole, but a post totally

Beautifully said.

My favorite scene of the season (for how deeply it breaks my heart) is Taystee and Poussey in the library.

True.  The actual Fake Monica was pretty annoying.  I liked Monica's crisis of identity though.  Like they said in the review, finding a way to have Monica have this freak-out and end up in that tap class without a con artist (who she invites into her home?  what?) would make this work better.

Exactly, I like Sonia's take on it a lot, and while Rachel being with Barry is this episode is cringe-worthy, you knew she'd snap out of it and that it was realistic that she might slip like this.

@slobitach:disqus thanks!  very helpful

Speaking of Gina, what did she say to Sonya before she died?  Was it, "it wasn't him" or something like that?  I rewound it 3 times and couldn't figure it out.

@avclub-ebaecc92914b0c48ee244d59fcc39102:disqus @avclub-80fd76debc805c297b3eeaf7a4526dd5:disqus all good points. I hadn't actually suspected him until I saw his eyes in that sketch.  If he's involved, I don't think he's the only one.

Yes, I had the same sinking feeling when I saw those eyes.

Watch Cougartown!  OK fine, the shows are just a littttle different, but his Cougartown character is basically the sweet, bumbling, non-serious law-breaking version of Ray.

yea, how did "Tampa Tim" already turn informant?  Were they already trying to bring Ray down in Florida, and they've now landed on an even bigger potential bust?  Need a little more insight on Ray/Charlotte's side of the series.

I haven't had any real suspicions on who the killer is yet, but I felt like the police sketch of the Beast's eyes reminded me a lot of Hank's.  Could he have actually gotten to Gina first, stabbed her, disappeared before Sonya showed up, and then looped back around to them?  I don't know.  I'm also wondering if

and a little Ron Swanson?

or McConaughey's Dallas.

So true, so true.

YES!  That was so. strange.  But must also somehow be relevant to the case.