olive snook

My own experience (I'm a female who went to public high school) in college (which was Catholic private) has been that boys that went to all-boys high schools didn't know how to be just friends with girls, or equals, that when they interacted with the opposite sex, they had one goal in mind, and I'm sure you can guess

"The Freaks might be a “bad influence” on her, at least from the point of view of Lindsay’s parents or teachers, but they’ve never done anything that’s as harsh as her angry tirade at them. This isn’t just a girl who’s mad at her friends; this is a girl who’s mad at herself for losing the thread of who she was."

Caught that too - a live tv mind-slip, I suppose.

I really want to see Jasmine dance that number next to someone who is as tall or taller than her (Aaron would have been perfect, obviously).  It would have brought the house down.

I was pretty certain Jenna was not his type, if you will.  That's interesting.

"Paul already won in Armenia and should stop being greedy."

@avclub-bb086401010497628aca7631857a204d:disqus interesting, and sad.  thanks for finding that.  he looks healthy and positive now, so I hope he's fully on the upswing!

@avclub-5d546b1b257d62c86b63a948f21fab5c:disqus too true.

All of this, yes!

especially since it's more purple with some pink lighting inside :)

I actually like Vogel's performance as Barbie, but they don't make him central enough, so you do get the "oh hey Barbie's a character!" way too much. He needs to be more proactive rather than just reacting to what other people are doing and saying. Hopefully that starts now that him and Big Jim have drawn some lines.

Was that even his plan all along? Or something he made up to cover his ass now? I don't automatically give Junior enough credit to pull off a longish con like that

and then got replaced before the movie where she'd be the main big bad because she took an indie movie instead :)

He better!

Agreed.  I'm an attorney, and generally just tune out when they discuss most of the case details, because they'll never make actual sense and I'll just get frustrated.  In-firm politics are way more fun than the case of the week/season.

Agreed.  I'm an attorney, and generally just tune out when they discuss most of the case details, because they'll never make actual sense and I'll just get frustrated.  In-firm politics are way more fun than the case of the week/season.

I thought he said something like, "Robert, when I heard about your big fall, I wasn't sure I'd get to see you on this stage again."  That wasn't it directly, but I'm pretty sure it was directed right to Robert.

Camera work definitely seemed off last night.  There were a few times where they'd just show one of the 2 dancers, and it would be the all-star, and I'd wonder - but what is the contestant doing over there right now, just out of frame???  That's a problem.

I feel like a broken record with how much I say that about this show every summer.  I don't think any other competitive reality show matches the beauty and awesomeness of SYTYCD.

thanks for posting this!